Safe recruitment
Information and forms to assist in safely recruiting employees and volunteers for roles within a congregation.
PVG Scheme - Online Application Process
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) is about making sure that those working with vulnerable groups are safe to do so.
All volunteers and paid staff engaged in regulated work with the Church of Scotland, and as defined in schedules 2 and 3 of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 must become members of the PVG scheme.
Disclosure Scotland changed their process in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and have now retired the previous word version PVG Application Form which was introduced at that time. Disclosure Scotland has now introduced an online system which requires the applicant to complete an online PVG Application direct with Disclosure Scotland. Guidance for applicants is now available for download.
Our new Online PVG Application Request Form (SG03a) enables the Safeguarding Service to gather essential applicant information required for PVG recording purposes. This is important as we will no longer see the applicant's completed PVG application form.
This service allows PVG applications to be submitted more efficiently and accurately. Disclosure applicants can enter their information online and have it validated as they go through the form thus reducing the number of incorrect applications being returned.
The new online process will enable a quicker overall turnaround time from start to finish and allow PVG clearances to be issued more quickly as a result.
Safeguarding Coordinators should refer to our video about the PVG scheme and the online PVG application process.
Please refer to the FAQ below for further information and a step-by-step as to how the process works.
Should you have any queries about the process, please do not hesitate to contact the Safeguarding Service.
Contact us
You can either email the Safeguarding Service or call us 0131 240 2256.
Due to the current Coronavirus concerns, we are operating with most staff working from home in accordance with advice issued by the UK and Scottish Governments. Whilst we will continue to do our best to provide an uninterrupted service there is the potential for some delays in dealing with business. We therefore ask for your patience and confirm that we will reply to your message as soon as we are able to do so.
PVG Scheme current guidance and forms
- Safeguarding handbook: safe recruitment
- Determining PVG Scheme membership For additional guidance on regulated work with protected adults please see Clarification about the PVG Scheme and regulated work with protected adults in the Key Publications section
- FAQ for Online Applications
- SG03a Online PVG Application Request Form
- PVG Self-Disclosure guidance
- SG03 PVG Self-Disclosure form
- PVG Scheme Application Coversheet (must accompany all Online PVG Application Request Forms being submitted to the Safeguarding Service)
- Disclosure Scotland Online PVG Application Process – Guidance for Applicants
- Clarification about the PVG Scheme and Regulated Work with Adults
Guidance on Basic Disclosure
Kirk Sessions (including posts in the Presbytery of England) are required to conduct Basic Disclosure checks on all individuals (regardless of their employment status) in their congregation in leadership roles and/or positions of trust. A Basic Disclosure check is for roles that do not involve regulated work/regulated activity. If the role requires regulated work with children and/or protected adults, then a PVG check is required - please refer to the section above.
An applicant should apply for a new Basic Disclosure check at the time of recruitment, even if they already have a Basic Disclosure check from a previous employment. A new Basic Disclosure check should be completed every two years.
Further information about Basic Disclosure checks can be found in the guidance below.
Forms for recruiting Safeguarding Coordinators and volunteers
- SG01 - The Volunteer Worker Job Description and Declaration
- SG02 - Application Form for volunteer or paid workers doing regulated work in congregations
- SG04 Reference Request and Sample Letter
- SG08 - Volunteer transfer form
- SG10a - Registration of Coordinator Form
- SG28 Safeguarding Coordinator Job Description
- SG21 Your Responsibilities When You Join The PVG Scheme
Code of Conduct for volunteers and paid workers
A Church of Scotland worker has a responsibility to create and maintain a safe environment for children and protected adults at all times. The code of conduct for volunteers and paid workers will aim to set out appropriate and inappropriate conduct for workers to follow to ensure a safe church for all.
Boys' Brigade Leader Registration Forms
Following discussions with Disclosure Scotland, as of 1st May 2024 the Boys' Brigade has taken full responsibility for the administration of processing PVG applications and the Church of Scotland is no longer processing PVG applications for individuals volunteering with the Boys' Brigade.
For more information with regards to applying for PVG through the Boys' Brigade please refer to the boys brigade website.
Any questions about the PVG process should be addressed to the Boys' Brigade.
Congregational Safeguarding Register (SG7)
Every Kirk Session is required to maintain an accurate record of personnel working with children and protected adults as in the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. This record will be checked at annual and Presbytery inspections. It will also be used by the Safeguarding Service to audit for accuracy. It is extremely important that the congregational register is kept up to date and is accurate.
No Longer Undertaking Regulated Work with the Church of Scotland (SG22)
If a volunteer or paid worker is no longer undertaking regulated work with the Church of Scotland, it is important that both the Safeguarding Service and Disclosure Scotland are notified as soon as possible. Disclosure Scotland continually monitor PVG scheme members' records for vetting information, including criminal convictions that may affect their suitability to work with vulnerable groups. This is an unnecessary intrusion into someone's private life if they are no longer undertaking regulated work and means that the Safeguarding Service may receive information that they are not entitled to.
The volunteer must contact Disclosure Scotland directly on the details below. The Safeguarding Co-ordinator and the volunteer or paid worker should together complete the form below and forward it to the Safeguarding Service as soon as possible. If the Safeguarding Co-ordinator is unable to make contact with the volunteer or paid worker, please fill in the form to that effect and forward it to the Safeguarding Service.
Change to PVG Scheme Member Details
Please inform Disclosure Scotland of any changes to your personal details such as your address or phone number.
By law you need to tell Disclosure Scotland about certain changes. If you're a PVG scheme member and you change your name or gender, you must tell Disclosure Scotland within 3 months of doing so.
Disclosure Scotland's instructions on how to manage your PVG membership can be found here
Disclosure Scotland contact details: Disclosure Scotland, PO Box 250, Glasgow, G51 1YU.
E: T: 0300 020 0040
Safeguarding Service contact details: The Church of Scotland, Safeguarding Service, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN
E: T: 0131 240 2256