We are God's children - Moderator baptises baby Morag Anne
Published on 24 March 2025 3 minutes read
A baby was baptised by the Moderator of the General Assembly yesterday – the first he has had the privilege of conducting during his term of office.
Rt Rev Dr Shaw Paterson welcomed Morag Anne Playfair-Hannay to the membership of Cheviot Churches in Roxburghshire, while her proud parents Rob and Charlotte and relatives looked on.

The Moderator was the guest preacher at a special united service of four separate historic parishes - Morebattle, Yetholm, Linton and Hownam – that make up the group called Cheviot Churches.
The service was held at Morebattle Church and led by Rev Colin Johnston, who coincidentally preached at Dr Paterson's own ordination service at what was called Rankin Church in Strathaven, now called Strathaven Trinity Church following a union, more than 30 years ago.
The Moderator joined the congregation in recognising the service of Rita Purves who has been playing the organ in Morebattle for 75 years.
She started playing when she was 13 and Dr Paterson wrote a letter of appreciation, recognising her "incredible dedication and commitment" to the life and witness of the congregation.
Rita Purves also plays at the monthly services at Linton Church as well as at Guild meetings.
Mr Johnston said: "There was a buzz around the congregation and everyone appreciated Shaw's warmth and down-to-earth manner.
"He continued to engage with members at the lunch afterwards and inevitably there were various connections made with Strathaven - the world is a small place.
"Shaw presented a tile with the Moderator's crest to the congregation and he and his wife Christine were given some items from the Yetholm, Morebattle area to mark their visit.
‘It was so good to welcome him, we go back a long way and I remember preaching at his ordination and induction service."

Dr Paterson told the congregation it was a "privilege" to be with them.
"I come to bring you the greetings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and thank you for all that you do as a church in your parish and surrounding community," he said.
"As Moderator, I go just about everywhere.
"In August last year, I preached in the largest slum in Africa (Kibera in Kenya) – now this was not some wee shanty town, we are talking bigger than Glasgow and Paisley combined, with poverty, unlike anything I had ever imagined.
"And a couple of weeks later I am staying at Balmoral Castle on Royal Deeside and preaching in front of His Majesty King Charles at Crathie Kirk.
"I have so many stories to tell but I am telling you this to emphasise that I am an ordinary person, an ordinary parish minister, almost 34 years in the same parish in Strathaven, who has been asked to perform this extraordinary role."
Calling from God
The Moderator said Jesus was at the beginning of his ministry, about 30 years old, when he was baptised by John the Baptist.
"Young Morag's claim to fame will be that she was baptised by the Moderator," he remarked warmly.
"You'll remember that, at Jesus's baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove.
"And a voice came from heaven and said ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased'.
"God doesn't just call ministers to be the delivery vehicle for his message, we all have a calling from God.
"In our baptism we acknowledge that we are God's children and as such we are God's tools on this earth.
"We are called to use our lives, our work and all that we do to bring God's message to all the people we meet.
"God uses all of us.
"In our own unique ways, with our own unique talents and gifts, as well as our faults and failings, God uses us to bring his message of salvation to this world."