Our departments
- Communications - Liaises with the media and responsible for design services and the website
- Central Properties - Provides a professional property, facilities and health and safety service
- Law - Acting in legal matters for the organisation and all of its courts, councils, and committees
- IT - Provides computer facilities to councils and departments within the Church Offices at 121 George Street in Edinburgh
- Human Resources - Managing recruitment, employment conditions and learning and continuing development
- Facilities Management - Responsible for the day-to-day running of the Church Offices at 121 George Street in Edinburgh
- Safeguarding Service - Aiming to prevent harm or abuse where possible and ensuring that the Church makes a timely and appropriate response when harm or abuse is witnessed, suspected or reported
- General Trustees - Holding properties and investments for the Church
- Housing and Loan Fund - Helping ministers, their widows, widowers, separated or divorced spouses with housing needs in retirement
- Stewardship and Finance - Promoting and encouraging Christian stewardship by providing programmes and training for congregations
- Church of Scotland Trust - Holding properties outwith Scotland and acting as trustee in third party trusts
- Investors Trust - Offering Church groups a medium for the investment of their funds
- Pension Trustees - Responsible for the investment of all the Church pension schemes