Social Media Guidelines

Social media is an excellent tool for churches to reach their current members and attract new ones. Platforms such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram provide an easy way for churches to:
- Connect with the Church of Scotland social media accounts.
- Communicate with their members and keep them informed about current news and events.
- Get involved with the local community by posting about local issues and events.
- Develop relationships with others and build trust and understanding that otherwise may not exist.
In these guidelines we will give you the basic rules of social media and some tips on how to make the most of your online engagements. In recent years the number and type of social media platforms has multiplied, each with their own uses and pitfalls. We will focus on three social media platforms: Facebook, X, and Instagram as historically these have been the channels most commonly used by both the national and local church. However not all of these platforms will be suitable for every church, and we recommend that you think carefully about who you are trying to reach and what you hope to achieve before choosing a platform. A note on X in particular, since Elon Musk took over the platform there has been a significant increase in toxic rhetoric and misinformation on X. There have also been changes to how the service can be used which has made it less accessible and potentially a less safe space for users. If you are just starting out in using social media platforms we suggest you do not open an X account. Longstanding users both individuals and big brands are leaving the platform and so it is not a good time to join.
The communications team has been running, moderating and growing the Church of Scotland social media accounts over a number of years. Not everything we have learned may apply to you and your church, but our hope is that it will give you a good head start.
We invite you to follow our accounts (Facebook, X and Instagram) to explore how we use each platform and what works best. We produce a lot of content intended for churches and congregations and we encourage you to share and comment on our content. At the same time we are more than delighted to engage with your social media posts where we can. Engaging with each other's content will help us all tell the story of our Church and its people and can help raise our visibility with others who may be interested in our content.
Two pitfalls to avoid
Once you have taken a look at how other people are using social media and you have made a decision on which platform you want to use, you can begin making your church account. Always ensure that there are two or more people who hold the login details and passwords for your social media accounts. Many churches have experienced the panic of realising they no longer had access to their Facebook or X account because the person with those details is no longer working for the church or perhaps has gone off ill and cannot be contacted. Unfortunately, their only recourse then is to start again from scratch.
When using social media always think about the impact you can have and who might see your content. Never post when you are hungry, angry, tired or under the influence of medication or alcohol. Social media moves quickly but it is far better to wait than to post something you might later regret.
Facebook is the internet’s most widely used social network, with over 3.065 billion active monthly users worldwide and over 37 million daily users in the UK.
The majority of Church of Scotland congregations are already using Facebook to connect with their members and their local communities. Whether you are one of these churches and wish to improve your online presence, or you are just beginning your Facebook journey, we hope these hints and tips will help you make the most of this useful platform. A Facebook account will also enable you to post to Instagram at the same time since they are both owned by the same company (Meta) and work together. Only open and maintain Instagram account if you can commit to posting a regular stream of photos and/or graphics and accompanying news. Photos are important for Facebook but they are essential for Instagram. Ideally if using both Facebook and Instagram you want to create some diversity around what you post on the respective platforms – if posts are identical on both then users are likely to unfollow one of the accounts to avoid getting spammed with the same content.
Getting started
What kind of account does your Church need?
Facebook offers three options; a profile, a page, or a group. A profile represents a single individual and is for non-commercial use. A page is a timeline for organisations and businesses. Groups are effective in connecting family, peers, colleagues or people with a shared interest.
We recommend you create a Facebook page. Churches, church members and people interested in the Church use Facebook more than any other platform – in fact many churches use Facebook pages instead of a website. A page will enable people to find you and explore the life of your church. This page can be used to advertise events and to share prayers, images, videos, thoughts and quotes.
Note: You must already have a personal Facebook account (a profile) that you can use to create a page. You will then become the admin of the page. You should then assign other people as admins and editors (Facebook has a guide on how to do that). You can remove yourself as an admin for the page later if you no longer wish your profile to be attached to the church page.
The details
Here are some tips for creating an effective Facebook page:
Remember the basics
Fill in the required information in the About section, this includes the church’s address, phone number, website, email address, social media accounts, a short biography, office opening hours, a contact person and any other important information. It is important to be clear that you belong to the Church of Scotland.
Images tell a story
Your cover photo is the large image at the top of your profile. This lets you feature a unique image that represents who you are. You want to use a good quality photo. An image of your church outside or inside is always good. Make sure to follow current image size guidelines (851 by 315 pixels) to get the best results. Anything less and the photo will be stretched or distorted.
Your profile photo is the smaller image on the left side of your profile. Use a good quality profile photo. We recommend using an image which represents your church or the Church of Scotland logo (which can be found on our visual identity webpage). This photo will appear whenever you interact with other people on Facebook and when people search for your church. The current image size for a profile photo is 320 pixels wide and 320 pixels tall.
Choose a username
Facebook allows you to choose a unique username (i.e. Church of Scotland) and URL (i.e. Make sure you choose something that will make sense to your congregation and the general public. Take a look at the usernames and URLs of other congregations to get some ideas:
Build your Facebook community
- Post daily (or at least frequently)
- All content from the Church of Scotland website and Facebook is ready-made for local churches to share
- Share photos of your church events (remember to get permission if you are using other people’s images)
- Highlight examples of the good work your church is doing
- Use shareable/engaging content – inspiring quotes, meaningful scripture and compelling thought-pieces
For example, the Church of Scotland posts a daily prayer on Facebook that is available for all to share. One of our most popular prayers reached more than 55,700 people, was shared by 783 people and liked by 515 people.
- Create a Facebook ‘event’ for each of your church’s events
- Facebook asks you for the basic information for your event; the name of the event, location, time, details of the event, and keywords. Don’t forget to add an event photo - the image size must be at least 720 pixels wide but looks best at 1920 by 1080 pixels. Be sure to give plenty of notice ahead of time.
- Use Facebook live to share short videos of events or an uplifting thought for the day
- Post your weekly Sunday sermon
- Perhaps you have something to say on an issue that’s topical in the news? It could be how you are helping to tackle loneliness, child poverty or supporting refugees
- Ask questions – spur a conversation about a topic with an open-ended question
- Interact with the people who comment on your posts
- Share relevant posts from other pages. It could be a news story from Church of Scotland or the Moderator, or a Lent reflection from Christian Aid. Follow other organisations and share any relevant posts of theirs
- Facebook will only show your posts to a small percentage of your page followers. However the more people like and share your post, the more people will see it in their news feeds.
Addressing mistakes
If you post something and find you have made a mistake such as a spelling error you can select the three small dots at the top right of your post and then click edit. You will then be able to correct the text.
You can also delete posts using the three small dots. Do not delete a post if it has been seen and shared as it will cause confusion when people wonder what happened to the post. In these cases you might want to add a comment if there is something that has changed that you need to address or add another post clearly marking it as an update.
Evaluating your results
Once your page is underway you can begin to evaluate your results. Select the Meta Business Suite tab in the Manage your Page section to the right of your Facebook page where you can find out how many people are viewing your posts (reach) and which posts are attracting likes shares and comments. Learn more about Meta Business Suite.
Likes and shares are the best indicators of how relevant your content is to your audience. In the planner section of Meta Business Suite you will be able to see what time of day your Facebook fans are online. Use this to your advantage and post at peak times to get the greatest amount of engagement.
We have found that posting in the morning and later around 7:30pm in the evening secures the most engagement for Church of Scotland posts, but you can experiment to find out what works best for your church community.
We make every effort to keep our advice up-to-date but Meta does change some of the features on Facebook from time to time. Recently, for example, Meta has acquired Instagram and now offers the option of posting to both platforms. Currently you will find all the information about your page’s performance and how to include Instagram in Meta Business Suite.
Remember to think about key church dates, such as Lent, Easter, and Christmas, and plan in advance for content you can share around these important times. You can schedule posts in advance in Meta Business Suite.
You will want to understand what your audience loves about your church. Photos and videos usually get 10 times more engagements than a post containing only text. If you choose to create a post with only text, make sure to keep your message short and concise.
You will be asked if you want to boost a post which means paying Meta to show the post to more people. Communications Department policy advises churches against paying Meta for any reason. Your engagement will grow if you post interesting, relevant content.
Avoid oversharing
Lastly, try to avoid posting and sharing content all at the same time. Use the Facebook post scheduling system to space out your posts. Choosing specific times of day can give your audience a much higher chance of seeing and engaging with your content.
Scheduling a post is relatively straightforward. Post like you normally would, but instead of selecting publish, scroll down to scheduling options and set the time and date for when you wish to schedule your post. Learn more about Facebook post scheduling.
Facebook church page examples
We advise presbyteries, churches and ministers not to open an X account if you do not have one already. This platform has been deteriorating for some time and users have been deserting it in large numbers. If you want to learn more about using your X account you can visit the Help Centre.
If you already have an X account check you are following these guidelines.
Your X username (also known as your handle) should be something relevant, unique and easy to remember. Usernames are preceded by the @ symbol (@ ChurchScotland). If you are planning on setting up a new Instagram account, try to ensure the username is the same on both platforms. Your display name (note: different from username) which can be up to 50 characters should include your church’s full name.
Following people
X invites you to follow people by asking which topics you are interested in. Choose suitable topics such as religion and faith. We also recommend you follow the Church of Scotland’s account @churchscotland and the Moderator’s account @churchmoderator.
Your profile picture
Your X profile picture is your main identity marker and it will be visible to everyone. Since it represents your church, the image must be of the highest quality, and should measure 400 by 400 pixels.
Your header photo
Your header photo should be warm and welcoming. Try uploading a photo of a group of people from your church. If you have a small church, the photo could be a posed picture of the entire community or, if your church is larger, you could post a picture of one of your weekly worship services. Your header photo should be 1500 x 500 pixels.
Writing a biography
Your X bio is your opportunity to tell people why they should follow you. It’s what people are looking at when they decide if they want to follow you or not. You have 160 characters to let everyone know a little bit about your church, so make them count.
X also provides spaces for your location and website so don’t forget to fill those out. Find out more about customising your X profile.
Posting content
An X post can include up to 280 characters and a maximum of four pictures or a video of up to 2 minutes 20 seconds. You can send as many as you want, as often as you want, and anyone else on Twitter who chooses to follow may see these tweets appear in their timeline.
Some users pay for additional services, such as longer posts. These ‘verified ‘ users used to be vetted to make sure they were reputable , authentic accounts. Some of these original accounts are still on X but many now represent users who are paying for the premium service. These accounts can be recognised by a blue tick next to their name. We advise against paying X for any purpose.
Key features of X
A repost is a way to share another X user’s post with your followers. By sharing other people’s content it encourages them to share yours. It will essentially look the same as a normal post with the author’s name and username next to it, but it will also contain the name of the user who reposted it.
Select the repost option under a tweet and you will be given the option whether to add a 280-character message above it. The latter option is referred to as a quote repost and will have your message above the tweet you are retweeting in a box.
If you feel a post of yours did not get the proper attention it deserved, you can also repost your own post via the same option..
Liking content
Liking a post is a way to let the original poster know that you agree or approve of their message. Simply select the heart icon in order to like a tweet.
Mentions (@)
A mention is a way to reference another user in a post (e.g. @churchscotland). Users are notified when they are mentioned. This is a way to conduct discussions with other users in a public realm.
Direct messaging (DM)
You can send a direct message to people who follow you by selecting the envelope icon at the top of your screen. Unlike posts, direct messages are private and can only be seen by the recipient of the messages. Unless you have paid for a premium account (we don’t recommend this) you can only DM accounts that follow your account. The default setting for your X account is that you can only receive direct messages from accounts you follow, although any account you have previously direct messaged can direct message you.
Read this guide for more information on direct messaging on X.
You can keep up with X trends by viewing the right side of your X profile. Here you will see the nine most popular topics based on your location. You can adjust the location X uses to find trends for you by selecting the blue change button next to Trends For You. From there you can either type any location in the world or choose from a number of nearby locations.
Understanding the # symbol
X (like Instagram) organises conversation topics with the hashtag (#) symbol.
The hashtag is an important addition to the realm of social media because it allows us to categorise and easily search for subjects across certain platforms. Hashtags can be used to start Twitter campaigns, show support or opposition to an issue and make your tweets more visible to the general public.
Use a hashtag (eg #DailyPrayer will show you the Church of Scotland’s daily prayer posts) to start or join a conversation, but avoid overloading your posts with hashtags or using them simply for the sake of it. Keep your hashtags simple, short and clear. People look to hashtags for trends, not instructions. Don’t use symbols, punctuation or any other special characters in your hashtags as this stops them from working.
Ways to engage your followers
Here are few ways to engage your audience on X:
- Thought-provoking or inspirational quotes from your daily reading, from current ministry leaders, or from great figures in the history of the Church (with a picture of whoever said the quote)
- Teasers for Sunday’s sermon, Bible passages that will be covered in Sunday’s service
- New content from your church website or blog can be signposted in a tweet
- Event announcements (charity fundraising, toddler groups, Messy Church, etc.)
- Include worship service times, information about visiting ministers and special services
- Photos from recent events or from the daily activities at the church
- Prayers, prayer requests, and answered prayers
- Links to useful resources or interesting content from around the web
- Encouraging lyrics from popular Christian artists
- News from the church and surrounding community (complete with pictures). This is also an opportunity to share Church of Scotland tweets.
- Funny, personal posts from the minister or staff members (especially pictures, but please remember to get permission from those featured for images you want to post online)
- Mission updates (with pictures)
- Short videos
- Jobs and volunteering opportunities Pictures or other visual content are always a good idea. Aiming for one or two tweets every day will get you off to a good start. Do not forget to follow people back who engage with your tweets.
Unwanted posts
Unfortunately social media like any other setting includes people who may criticise or berate others online. X has been criticised for not doing enough to stop abusive behaviour on the platform, but there are certain tools in place to help you on these occasions.
If you do not wish to see tweets from a certain account, you can click on the three dots at the top right of the post and select Not interested in this post. You can then select Show fewer posts from (user name) or This post is not relevant. You can also report abusive posts in this way although X may not take action.
Get inspired
Check out other churches on X for inspiration and to make connections – if you follow a church on X, they may follow you back! Here are a few church Twitter accounts to get you started:
Twitter account examples:
- Neil Urquhart @NU4Yoo
- William Boyle @williamboyle
- St Columba’s Church @LondonKirk
On Instagram, users can connect with a global community which shares millions of photos and videos every day. This social platform works best on your mobile phone, and it is a wonderful place to explore the world and find like-minded individuals. Instagram and Facebook are owned by the same company so you will often see the option to post to both platforms. Instagram has become an indispensable social media outlet, particularly for engaging with young people. The current estimate of Instagram users in the UK is over 33 million users, with 55% of them being female and 70% of the users being 34 years or younger.
Choosing a username
You can use up to 30 characters for your username.
Writing a bio
Create a short and simple description of your church, where it is and your purpose and values.
Choose a profile picture
Your profile photo should either be a photo of your church building, something that clearly identifies your church, or the Church of Scotland logo (which can be found on our visual identity webpage). The image size must be at minimum 320 x 320 pixels.
Adding a link
If you have a church website then you can add a link to it on your Instagram profile. If you do not have a website then include a link to your Facebook page instead. Find out more about setting up your Instagram profile.
Key features of Instagram
A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the hash symbol #, used on social media to identify messages on a specific topic.
Hashtags are how your photos will be found and how you can brand your congregation. Make an effort to assign relevant and original hashtags when promoting a church event. Using around 2-5 hashtags on all your image captions is considered best practice. This groups the photo with other photos of similar themes so that when people search, your photos can be found.
Learn more about how to use hashtags.
When posting an image to Instagram you are given the option of choosing from a range of pre-set filters to apply to your image. A simple tint could turn amateur looking photos into professional pieces with the tap of a finger. Learn more about how to apply filters.
Instagram Stories is a feature that allows users to post photos and videos that vanish after 24 hours. This feature is a little more advanced and we do not recommend that you focus on this while you are just getting started. Learn more about how to create an Instagram story.
Ways to engage your followers
Here are few ways to engage with your audience on Instagram:
- Post every day, or at least frequently
- Share short sermon clips with positive powerful messages
- Share one or two meaningful pictures of your events – always pick your best
- Post inspiring graphics, quotes, and meaningful scripture
- Share graphic event reminders or announcements for upcoming events
- Use 2-5 relevant hashtags
- Tag your volunteers in your photos – people love social media praise (you will need their Instagram usernames to tag them)
- Use Instagram stories to share some favourite moments of your day and to highlight your church’s events, services, and people
- Showcase the projects you are working on, charities you are working with and milestones within your congregation
- Share other people’s photos of your church, services or community (just make sure to ask for permission first)
- Go behind the scenes in your church
Get inspired
Instagram accounts of churches in the Church of Scotland:
- Port Glasgow New Parish Church - William Boyle @portparish
- Lyle Kirk @lylekirkgreenock
- St George’s Tron Church of Scotland Blantyre Old Parish Church @blantyreoldparish Banchory West Church @banchorywestgram
Creating content and engaging with your followers are important aspects of running a social media account, but arguably the most important thing you will need to do is moderate.
Moderating interactions on your social media accounts is important because there are people online who leave spam or hateful comments on Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and Instagram photos. There are several ways you can manage unwanted interactions.
On Facebook you can include a profanity filter, which allows you to block certain words, or ban someone from interacting with your page. If you don’t want to block someone completely you can also hide unhelpful comments from others by clicking on the three small dots at the top right of the comment. Only the person’s Facebook friends will then see their comment.
On X you can unfollow or see fewer posts from specific X users (see the X section for further information). On Instagram you can unfollow or block people, or mute their story.
Look out for spam and bots who will send messages to your followers – often posting several messages in quick succession which can appear friendly or flirtatious in nature or can be appealing for help or money. When you see this kind of activity block the user immediately.
Once you’ve worked out what you want to post on your social media channels, it’s vital that you think about how that content is going to be presented to your audience, particularly those using assistive technologies such as screen readers, and people with visual or other disabilities or processing impairments.
Specifically, if it’s an image with text: is it readable, with a plain text description to accompany it? Or is all the information you want to communicate contained within a graphic image overlaid with text? The latter is usually not accessible for those with visual impairments and those who may be accessing your content using screen reading devices. You should provide a written description of the image (a caption below is one way of doing that) and you can also fill in what is known as ‘alt text’ so when a person clicks on the image it will display details of the content (more on this below).
If it’s video or audio content: is there a readable text version available? You should also ensure your video has subtitles/captions added to it. Those with hearing impairments may struggle to understand what’s going on without that. Many people also prefer to watch videos with sound off for a variety of reasons. It there are no captions they are likely to switch off from watching your video.
Here are some top tips to make sure your content is as accessible as possible:
- Use alternative text or image descriptions
- Social media platforms nowadays have made it possible for us to add alternative text (more commonly known as ‘alt text’) to describe the images we’re posting, so a blind or partially sighted person can understand a summary of what is featured in the image. Please ensure you use the alt text or image description option wherever you see it! And if it’s automated for you, ensure you check it’s correct before posting. Here is the guidance on how to do so on the major platforms:
Don’t break up your content with emojis and hashtags
It may seem tempting to throw in the odd emoji or hashtag amongst your sentences, but this is hugely disruptive for screen reading devices, interrupting the sentence flow. Keep your emojis, hashtags, URLs and tagged accounts to the end of your post and refrain from using too many.
Improve your hashtags
When you are using a hashtag, it’s important that you capitalise each word (also known as using CamelCase) so the screen reader knows how to read them properly. For example: #ThisIsChurch and #ChurchOfScotland
Turn on video captions
This is the number one tip for making sure your video content is as accessible as possible: switch on your video captions... and make sure you’ve checked and edited them! It’s very easy to get lazy when it comes to uploading a long video of a webinar or interview, but it’s essential you spend time on this to help those with processing problems or who have no access to sound to understand your content.
These are just some basic ideas for how to make your content more accessible, but there are many more ways to make improvements. To understand more and to keep up to date with emerging features, check the accessibility guidance sections for each major platform:
It is worth remembering that improving accessibility to your content usually benefits everyone irrespective of whether they have any specific challenges accessing content. Disability is also a protected characteristic any of us can join at any point in life.
Remember to stay aware of safeguarding rules and regulations. You can find safeguarding information on the Safe use of social media on the Church of Scotland website, along with templates for photograph consent forms etc.
Here are some basic rules for your engagement online:
- Adults should think twice and consider speaking to a parent before adding/following children under 16 from the congregation on social media
- Always obtain consent from parents before using images of children on social media
Churches address this in different ways. Some churches have a blanket consent form which parents sign before their children take part in activities. Other churches choose not to include photographs of children on their social media accounts at all. You can download Form SG19 – Media consent form from the Safeguarding publications page.
We recommend having a conversation with your Kirk Session and agreeing on your church’s safeguarding approach.
We hope that these tips come in handy if you're thinking of launching social media accounts for your church or looking to refresh your existing accounts.
Below is a round-up of what we've covered:
- Social media platforms such as Facebook, X and Instagram can offer a good way for churches to communicate with their members and keep them informed about current news and events
- Not all social platforms will be suitable for every church, and we recommend that you think carefully about your church's needs and who you are trying to communicate with before choosing a platform
- Always ensure there is always more than one person who has the login details and passwords for your social media accounts
- Ensure you use high quality images which fit the optimum size for each social media platform – good images are incredibly important
- Keep an eye on moderating the comments on your pages and make use of the moderation techniques discussed (e.g. blocking, unfollowing, hiding or muting) if required
- Be creative and show the character and personality of your church
- Don't post on your pages in the heat of the moment (for example, when you're angry, tired or under the influence) – always think carefully about what you are writing and how it may come across to others
- If things get difficult online or someone is making a series of complaints, offer to take the conversation offline by providing an email contact for a church officer for example.
- You can always contact the Communications Department for advice.
- Above all, keep posting and interacting with your audience, listen to what they say and find out what they enjoy hearing about and provide more of that. If certain posts don't get engagement try something else instead.
For more information, please get in touch with the Church of Scotland Communications Team.