Faith Action Programme Leadership Team (FAPLT)
In May 2023 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland decided to merge the Faith Nurture Forum with the Faith Impact Forum to become the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team.
The team will continue the work of the fora by delivering one overall Faith Action Programme.
Objectives of the Faith Action Leadership Team
The Faith Action Programme exists to equip people to live out the mission of God. The Leadership Team will deliver the objectives of the Faith Action Programme over a five-year period, 2023-2028.
Over the next five years, we will:
- Build and launch an integrated training programme for members of local churches, carrying in the first instance resources for faith, life and mission.
- Create pathways that attract and allow us to recruit the required number of resilient and emotionally intelligent leaders for the recognised ministries for which they are suited and called.
- Establish a programme to develop and support churches to grow in Christian faith and deliver missional activity throughout the year and establish 100 new worshipping communities.
- Establish and deliver with all presbyteries a comprehensive programme of support to equip all those responsible for evolving fresh forms of worship including digitized ministry alongside continued support for developing best practice in existing worship.
- Contribute to public life and social justice on behalf of the church.
- Deliver the Presbytery Mission Plan Act -with the configuration of ministries and congregational estates which is sustainable and affordable.
- As agreed with the Assembly Trustees annually decrease operating costs as work is devolved or ended and income generated.
Remit of the Faith Action Leadership Team
The Leadership Team will seek to shape and then implement the instructions, policies, priorities and strategic objectives of the General Assembly relating to the Faith Action Programme. It will work with the Assembly Trustees, Presbyteries and other parts of the Church to achieve a collaborative approach with the purpose of nurturing the people of the Church in their witness, worship and service.
Purpose of the Faith Action Leadership Team
The Leadership Team will lead and oversee the development and implementation the Faith Action Programme.
The Leadership Team will agree with the Assembly Trustees by October each year, a three-year rolling action plan within the overall five-year Faith Action Programme, with the measurable outcomes which it seeks to achieve during the ensuing three years.
The Leadership Team shall assume all of the rights, assets and responsibilities of the Faith Nurture Forum and the Faith Impact Forum, whose work and functions are incorporated into the work and functions of the Leadership Team.
The Ministries Council and World Mission Council will remain as constituent committees of the Leadership Team, with members appointed from among the membership of the Leadership Team and with specific responsibility for acting as the statutory employer of individuals who are members of the Ministers' Scheme and the MDS Scheme.
Membership of the Faith Action Leadership Team

- A Convener - Tommy MacNeil (Stornoway: Martin's Memorial) (4yrs)
- Four Vice Conveners to deputise for the Convener when unavailable and to lead Programme Groups
- Alistair Cumming, Depute Convener and Resource and Presence Programme Group Leader (London: St Columba's linked with Newcastle St Andrew's) (3yrs),
- Emma Jackson, Public Life and Social Justice Programme Group Leader (Lyne and Manor linked with Peebles: St Andrew's Leckie) (3yrs)
- Bill Wishart, People and Training Programme Group Leader (Edinburgh: St Martin's) (2yrs)
- Five members appointed by the General Assembly through the Nomination Committee
- Twelve members appointed by the General Assembly through the Nomination Committee, having first been nominated by their Presbytery.
- The Convener, or substitute, of the Theological Forum
- The Convener, or substitute, of the Ecumenical Relations Committee.
Email the Faith Action Leadership Team
Programme Groups of the Faith Action Leadership Team
The four Programme Groups are;
They report to the Leadership Team and will have written delegated authority from the Leadership Team to take forward their respective elements of the Faith Action Programme. This will include the development of strategy and policy, and working alongside staff members in their implementation.
Each Vice Convener will lead a Programme Group. Programme Groups will each consist of four members, appointed by the General Assembly through the Nomination Committee.
Meetings of a Programme Group will be attended by the Head of the staff team working with that Programme Group or identified representative.
Responsibilities of the Programme Groups of the Faith Action Leadership Team
Programme Groups which report to the Leadership Team will have responsibility for these work streams of the Programme:
The Mission Support Programme Group

- Equipping, inspiring, resourcing and supporting the church locally, at presbytery and at the national level in mission.
- Engaging with congregations through international education and support.
- Exploring new ways of being Church.
- Overseeing presbytery mission planning and international partnership support.
- Developing the Church's ministry and mission in Priority Areas.
- Informing worship, both traditional and digital, and developing a digital strategy.
- Supporting the work of the Education and Schools Group and the Gaelic Group.
- Supporting Ministries through pastoral care provision.
The People and Training Programme Group
- The recruitment, training and formation of those in the Recognised Ministries of the Church of Scotland.
- The training, discipleship and support of members and elders of the Church of Scotland and maintaining key partnerships including those with Presbyteries and Academic Partners.
- Alongside Presbyteries, recruiting, resourcing and training people intentionally for the mission of God, especially nurturing those who are new to faith.
- Supporting ministries and learning through the ASCEND programme.

The Public Life and Social Justice Programme Group

- Equipping the Church to pursue God's mission of inclusivity, social justice and care for creation in Scotland and around the world.
- Supporting activities of Presbyteries and congregations in engaging with national and international issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, with a priority for inclusion of those who are marginalised or struggle against poverty.
- Engaging policies which contribute to public life by developing and sharing the witness of the Church with government, parliament, ecumenical partners, faith groups, and civil society, and supporting the exchange of information and opinions between national institutions and presbyteries and congregations.
- Providing a space in which to explore theologically, reflect, discuss and respond as a Church to important public matters that arise.
The Resource and Presence Programme Group

- Engaging people with the mission of God through the optimisation of assets in an ethical and values driven way.
- Ensuring that net revenues are maximised through the resources available within the Faith Action Programme.
- The business output for Life and Work and increasing advertising and sales.
- Maximising the use of furlough properties.
- Reviewing the John Knox House/Scottish Story-Telling Centre in terms of scope, purpose and future direction.
- Ensuring the business viability of the Israeli entities.