Enabling generosity

How to encourage and facilitate giving to your church.
Generosity is a central part of our faith. We believe that God is endlessly generous to us and that we are called to be generous in turn. The mission and life of the church is only possible because of the generous giving of our members and the wider community. Below are some ideas for inspiring generosity in our congregations and stewarding the resources God has given our congregations.
A culture of generosity
Christian stewardship recognises that everything we have belongs to God and that we are called to care for all that God has given to us. We are joyful and honoured to be given this role.
Creating a culture of generosity in our churches will help develop disciples who are generous to the church, to their neighbours and to the world. Here are some ideas and resources to support this aim.
A time of Offering
Having a dedicated time of Offering provides worshippers with an opportunity to recognise and actively respond to God's generous grace, love and mercy. Our offerings are an act of worship to God.
This time should be sacred, focused, prayerful and intentional. The Offering is not an intimation, an intermission or an after-thought, and should be incorporated within the order of service at the most fitting point. Make use of engaging resources, readings, prayers, images and thoughtful questions to enhance this act of worship.
Enabling giving
Provide different giving methods to accommodate the varied needs of your congregation, possibly highlighting these during the intimations or, if appropriate, during the time of Offering itself. (A range of ways to give is featured in the ‘means of giving' section below.) Provide information on Standing Orders and freewill offering envelopes and include links to digital giving methods on your online platforms. (A simple standing order form is available for download.) Ensure that your congregation’s website provides clear and up-to-date information about how to give.
Give thanks for generous giving
It is important to practice good stewardship of both our regular givers and more occasional supporters. Thanking those who give, and taking time to show how their offerings and donations are used, involves everyone in the church’s ministry and mission, bringing blessing and encouraging confidence and further joyful giving. Your congregation should consider the following practices for thanking donors and regular givers:
- Thank-you emails: If your congregation uses an online giving page, it may be possible to send thank-you emails automatically. Alternatively, you can designate a church volunteer to be in charge of thanking givers.
- Annual letters: Send an annual letter to your regular givers detailing how much they have given, how much Gift Aid has been received and how their offering has been used
- Explain how offerings are used: Dedicate time during a service, or space in a newsletter, to provide a breakdown of how total offerings are used to support the church
- Highlight good work of the church: Use your church’s website and other platforms to highlight the good work your church does to inspire people to give. Make sure they know that this giving is a ministry in itself.
- Regularly highlight the importance of donations and offerings: When sharing good news publicly, make it clear that the work is only made possible through the offerings and additional donations.
Narrative of Generosity
The Narrative of Generosity encourages the sharing of stories to teach and reflect on Christian stewardship. It is a modular-based resource with 12 themes to help us fulfil our God-given role as stewards.
The Narrative of Generosity invites us to share, reflect and act. The whole congregation and wider church family are encouraged to participate in the conversations, focussing together on one chosen theme at a time. This resource can be tailored to suit all expressions of local church and is adaptable for online engagement. More information can be found on the Narrative of Generosity page. We would encourage you to get in touch with the Stewardship Team at stewardship@churchofscotland.org.uk to access the full range of resources.
Exploring generosity intergenerationally
God’s generosity is shown to people of all ages, and all generations can participate in living generously in response. Stewardship is for everyone in the church, regardless of age, and can help the whole body of Christ to grow in discipleship.
The stewardship webinar ‘Exploring Generosity – An Intergenerational Approach’ unpacks the rationale (from 03:42), practices (from 12:35) and resources (from 33:16) which can engage all ages in a whole-life approach to stewardship:
A resource called Exploring Generosity is also available, enabling you to host intergenerational events, groups or worship on twelve stewardship themes: body, earth, generations, gifts, God, mind, money, possessions, relationships, time, vision and volunteers. These provide a ready-to-use one hour session, together with over twenty additional ideas to adapt and expand the material to suit your own context. To request your digital copy of Exploring Generosity, please email stewardship@churchofscotland.org.uk.
Means of Giving
Those who wish to give to a congregation can do so through a variety of methods, including standing orders and online giving. Schemes such as Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) allow congregations to maximise these donations through various tax benefits. It is important to make it easy for individuals to give through whichever means best suits them.
Digital giving
While standing orders remain the most cost-effective way for church members to give regularly, digital giving provides an additional way to receive donations as well as reaching other church supporters. Digital giving can be a quick, convenient and effective way for anyone to support the church.
The stewardship team's webinar below provides more information about digital giving.
For every giving method, it is important to inspire people to give, telling the story of your congregation's work; for example, how it supports the local community and others through its ministry, practical support and loving care.
Whichever option is chosen, a payment processor is necessary to process the donor's payment and transfer the donation to the congregation's bank account. Most providers will have step-by-step guidance on how to set this up. You will be required to complete an application form, supply proof of ID for one or more Congregational Trustees and proof that the bank account into which the funds will be deposited belongs to the congregation (usually a bank statement is sufficient). You may also be required to provide a link to your website or a copy of your annual accounts.
The Church of Scotland does not recommend a particular supplier but offers some information about a few suppliers to help congregations get started. It is imperative that, before making a commitment, the local Congregational Trustees take time to fully consider the costs, terms and conditions, regulatory compliance and whether ongoing customer support is available. The stewardship team is available to provide more detailed advice and support on the best digital giving methods for your congregation.
Contactless giving devices
Contactless devices allow donors to give to the congregation with a simple tap of their card or smart device. Devices are set up with usually three to six different amounts for donors to choose from. These pre-set amounts can usually be changed at any time to suit different circumstances or projects.
A password-protected online portal or dashboard will provide information on all donations and, in some cases, allow customisation of the device. As contactless giving is eligible for the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) the information collected can be used for such a claim. Most providers also enable the secure collection of Gift Aid information which can be downloaded to enable the congregation to make a claim to HMRC in the normal way. Some providers may automatically submit Gift Aid claims on the congregation’s behalf.
In most cases the contactless device itself needs to be purchased. A small number of providers offer a leasing service, although this can be more expensive overall. There are usually monthly fees associated with a contactless device and some providers also charge set up and delivery fees. Each transaction incurs a small fee which varies according to the payment processor used by the provider.
Contactless devices can be fixed in prominent locations or be portable, allowing them to be moved to different parts of a building as required. As well as accepting contactless donations, some devices can be used to pay for goods and services at events (such as craft fairs or coffee mornings).
Most devices use a rechargeable battery but can also be plugged into a fixed socket. All contactless devices can connect to the internet through mobile data (4G) and many can also connect through Wi-Fi.
The most appropriate contactless device for a congregation will very much depend on its circumstances, the activities held and the regular footfall. For more information about particular providers and discounts available for Church of Scotland congregations, please email stewardship@churchofscotland.org.uk.
Freewill offering envelopes
While standing orders are the most efficient and convenient means of receiving offerings, some givers may choose to give using freewill offering envelopes. Further advice on the use of offering envelopes may be found on the Gift Aid information page.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid allows your congregation, as a charity, to collect an extra £0.25 on every £1 that an individual donates, provided they are a UK taxpayer and subject to the rules of the scheme. Remember to maximise Gift Aid income by making sure claims are up to date and that eligible members have signed a Gift Aid declaration form. A simple version of the Gift Aid declaration form is available for download. Further guidance on making Gift Aid claims can be found on the Gift Aid information page.
Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS)
The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) allows charities to claim an extra £0.25 on every £1 for cash donations of £30 or less or contactless and chip and pin donations of £30 or less. Please note that cheques and other electronic payments are NOT eligible. Further guidance is available on the Gift Aid information page and the GASDS information page.
The webinar below provides additional information on the subject of Gift Aid and GADS.
A gift in a will to the Church of Scotland is one of the most valuable and lasting ways that individuals can continue to support its mission and its ministry. Gifts made in a will to a charity are also exempt from inheritance tax. More guidance on legacies can be found on our dedicated legacies page.
National donate page
If your congregation does not have its own online giving facility, the central donate facility on the Church's national website can direct donations to specific congregations through PayPal. You can find out more on the national donate page.
Online giving
An online giving page is a great way to encourage friends and supporters of your congregation to give. Online giving can be used to support the general work of the congregation or for particular appeals and projects. An online giving page can be accessed through a ‘donate button’ on the congregation’s website, a link to a standalone page on a provider’s website or a QR code. A QR code is a unique image code of small black and white squares which is read by the camera or code reader on a smartphone or tablet and takes the donor directly to an online giving page. A QR code can be included in printed material, notice-boards, websites and online services.
There are numerous providers available, but it may be worth considering one with specialist knowledge of charities and churches, such as:
- Dona Free donation webpage is provided when you purchase a Dona donation terminal.
- The monthly service fee is £15 per month per donation terminal (no contract, only pay for the months the machine is in use); no monthly fee for the donation webpage once set up.
- Transaction fee: 1.58% Payment processor is Stripe.
- Congregations can offer up to 20 different funds or campaigns for the donor to choose from.
- Collects Gift Aid information.
- Payment processor is either SumUp (transaction fee 2.5%) or Stripe (transaction fee 1.4%+20p)
- Premium Plan: Sliding price scale starting from £7.50+VAT per month for annual donations up to £7,500. Collects Gift Aid information. Congregations can offer different funds/projects for the donor to choose from
- Basic Plan: No monthly fee, but annual donations must not exceed £1,000
Fundraise from Stewardship.org
- Collects and processes Gift Aid claim on the congregation’s behalf
- Transaction fee: 3% or 3.5% if claiming Gift Aid
- No monthly fees
- The Start Plan also offers:
- Giving Checkout: donors can make online donations but without a customised page
- Fees: 5% of any Gift Aid they process but no transaction or other fees.
- Donors are given the option to add on the cost of the transaction fee
- Transaction fee: 1.9% + 20p (plus an additional 5% fee on any Gift Aid processed)
- Just Giving offers a “Start Plan” which has no monthly fees.
Data Developments (for MyGiving software users)
- Collects and processes Gift Aid claim on the congregation’s behalf
- Congregations can offer donors the opportunity to cover the cost of the transaction fee
- Congregations can offer different funds/projects for the donor to choose from
- All donations entered into ‘MyGiving’ automatically
- Transaction fee: 2.4% + 20p
- No additional monthly fees
- Collects Gift Aid information
- No monthly or transaction fees (fees are covered by a corporate sponsor subject to fair usage)
- Donors must have access to digital banking facilities either online or through a mobile App.
- Uses ‘Account to Account’ payments (Open Banking) whereby donations are directly transferred to the congregation’s bank account from the donor’s online or mobile bank account rather than through a payment card. The donation appears almost instantly in the congregation’s bank account.
- Accessed through a QR code or web link
- A promotional ‘starter pack’ is included for Church of Scotland congregations
- 12-month minimum contract
- Collects Gift Aid information
- Transaction fee: 1.05% + 5p (debit card), 2.05% + 5p (all other cards)
- £20+VAT per month
Standing orders
Standing orders are still the most convenient and cost-effective method for regular givers and supporters. A simple standing order form is available for download. (Please note: the form can be filled out on a computer but you must download it before filling it out, otherwise you will not be able to save your changes.)
Text giving
Text giving enables anyone with a mobile phone to give to the congregation by texting a keyword and donation amount to a shortcode number. The donation is either added to the donor's phone bill or deducted from their pre-paid credit. The keyword can be shared on social media, websites, printed material and online services. Transaction fees tend to be higher than with other digital giving methods.
There are several providers including:
- Donr
- Allows one-off or regular donation amounts of £1 to £20
- Choice of ‘keyword’ with multiple keywords at no additional charge
- No set up or monthly fees
- Transaction fee 5%
- Gift Aid information collected
- The donor will be charged for their donation plus one standard network rate message (two standard network rate messages for regular donations)
- Occasionally ‘text to donate’ donations fail due to the donor’s mobile network settings. If this happens they will be notified and given the opportunity to make their donation via card instead. If this happens the congregation will also be charged a card processing fee of 1.4% + 20p over and above the 5% transaction fee.
- Congregation will receive donations in a monthly lump sum two months (or three months for Vodafone network) after the donation was made.
- Donate (National Funding Scheme)
- Allows one-off or regular donation amounts of £1, £3, £5, £10, £20 or £30
- Choose your own ‘keyword’
- No set up or monthly fees
- Transaction fee 4.5% unless Gift Aid is added then the fee is 45% of the Gift Aid reclaimed
- Processes Gift Aid claims on behalf of the congregation (see charge above)
- The donor will be charged for their donation plus standard network message rates usually apply
- Congregations will receive donations no earlier than 3 months after the donation was made and only once the total amount donated reaches £100. An outpayment fee of the greater of £3 or 0.5% is applied when donations are transferred.