Information for General Assembly 2025 Commissioners

These notes providing information and advice for Commissioners, Delegates and other General Assembly participants will be updated regularly as we prepare for General Assembly 2025.
Reports for the 2025 General Assembly will be made available shortly. All reports will be available by the 2 May.
Presbytery Commissions
Details of Commissioners were due from Presbyteries by 31 January. Commissioners may participate in the Assembly either in person or online. There are no restrictions on numbers engaging in either form.
In sending details of their Commissioners to the Office of General Assembly (OGA), Presbyteries should ensure that the following information is included:
- If a Commissioner is attending in person or online (see below as to any changes)
- If a Commissioner has been nominated to be a member of the Commission of Assembly
- If a Commissioner would be willing to be considered as a Communion Assistant (elder only)
- If a person has mobility/access requirements
- If a Commissioner is attending for the first time
- Any other specific requirements to enable participation in the Assembly.
Hybrid meeting of the General Assembly
Participants may choose to be in person in the Assembly Hall or online. There are no restrictions to the numbers participating in either way. Participants will not be able to change how they engage in the General Assembly after 28 March each year save that an in-person Commissioner who becomes ill may notify the OGA that they wish to switch to be an online participant.
Communion arrangements
Holy Communion will be celebrated on Monday 19 May at 9.15am. Those engaging in the General Assembly online are invited to have communion elements with them and share in this.
Commissioner expenses
Expenses rates for those participating in the Assembly Hall at the 2025 General Assembly will be up to £100 per night for accommodation and up to £20 a day for out-of-pocket expenses. When Commissioners stay with family or friends a total allowance of up to £80 may be claimed towards a token gift for hosts. Commissioners can also claim up to £4 for daily transport to and from the Assembly Hall. Please retain your receipts if possible. Attendance at 13 of the 17 sessions will be required for any expenses to be authorised.
General Assembly accommodation, travel and out-of-pocket expenses are usually claimed following the General Assembly (Expenses Form), but where accommodation expenses have been paid in full earlier in the year, these can be reimbursed early on production of receipts forwarded to at the Finance department. If accommodation is shared among two or more attendees, please indicate the name and numbers of those sharing when claiming; or if another is claiming your accommodation, include their name and Commissioner number.
The Assembly Hub
All Commissioners and other General Assembly participants will have access to the Assembly Hub. While the Hub may be useful to participants in the Hall, in-person Commissioners are not obliged to use it. Online Commissioners do need to use the Hub. User name and password will be allocated, providing access to all information (including Zoom links) and facilities required by online commissioners. All information required by General Assembly participants will be linked from the Hub.
The General Assembly on the Church of Scotland website and social media
Information about the General Assembly is available on this webpage. News and information regarding the General Assembly will be on the Church's various social media channels.
The General Assembly proceedings will be publicly live-streamed, do publicise this to your congregations.