Resources for tackling violence against women
These resources are designed to encourage congregations, communities, and individuals to explore the issues of violence against women, girls, and children.
Integrity Strategy
Download our strategy summary to find out more about the Church of Scotland's approach to tackling violence against women, girls, and children .
A,B,C Quiz
This resource is designed to allow individuals or groups to think about how the issue of violence against women, girls, and children is included in the life of their church.

Information on addressing violence against women
These resources are designed to provide information about some of the issues we are working to tackle. Using them can help to support congregations and church leaders who want to learn a bit more about the topic.
What we can do
This guide has some helpful ideas about the steps that churches, congregations, or individuals can take to address violence against women, girls, and children.
Download the What We Can Do resource
Integrity Poster
This poster was designed to raise awareness of violence against women in church settings. The poster includes contact details for the main national support services and was designed to be displayed in bathroom cubicles in churches. This can be a great place to highlight support information as people can read it and find out how to get help in a private space.
Further reading
The resources below contain more in-depth reading about violence against women for those who want to learn more.