Safeguarding values and policy
Values are the things that we hold dear or believe to be right and which govern our actions.
Our values
- Grace: Acting with humility in all our endeavours
- Integrity: Acting with honesty, responsibility and accountability
- Respect: Valuing others, ensuring inclusiveness and equality
- Professionalism: Demonstrating commitment and striving for excellence
- Collaboration: Working together to connect and communicate in an open and transparent environment
- Innovation: Thinking creatively about building for the future and embracing change
In addition to embracing the shared values listed above, the Safeguarding Service will also work to embed our practice to reflect that:
The love of Christ compels us to care and protect those who are vulnerable in the Church and society.
Our priority is Safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm known to the Church and those who have experienced historic or non-recent abuse.
Acting in the best interest of the person affected by harm or abuse is paramount.
There is zero tolerance for any type or level of harm to people known to the Church or using Church services.
We have a duty to protect people as well as a duty of care.
Immediate reporting is essential if you suspect or witness harm or it is reported to you. This should be reported to your Safeguarding Coordinator and/or your line manager.
Safeguarding is a multi-agency activity. The Church of Scotland will ensure that the social work department, police, health and third sector organisations are involved, as appropriate, when harm is witnessed, suspected or reported.
Communication and information sharing are essential within the Church of Scotland and with other agencies to promote joint decision making.
The duty to protect takes precedence over individual confidentiality if the person or others are at risk of harm or have been harmed. Information sharing will be proportionate and shared only with those that need to know: the person will be advised before information is shared unless to do so will place others at risk of harm.
For adults at risk of harm – balancing risks and rights. We recognise the balance between the duty to protect and the right of the adult who has capacity to make decisions to choose to live in a situation that puts them at risk of harm. We will work with them to ensure that such risks are understood and minimised. Risk taking, with appropriate support, can be positive and life-enhancing.
Any Safeguarding intervention must be the minimum necessary and proportionate to the risk of abuse or harm.