Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees
Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees (SFAR) is a partnership project which seeks to co-ordinate and promote action by faith communities in Scotland to support asylum seekers and refugees.

Across the world, wars and persecution have forced millions of people to flee their homes. The number of refugees internationally has been growing for many years and show no sign of slowing. Thousands of people have travelled to Scotland seeking safety and a new home. It is more important than ever that Scotland's faith traditions play their part in making Scotland a safe place where refugees and asylum seekers feel welcomed and included.
In 2015 the Church of Scotland worked with Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Interfaith groups to establish Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees (SFAR). SFAR is a multi-faith partnership that builds on our common values of hospitality and the inherent dignity of each individual. We believe that by working together for the common good, by putting aside prejudices and agreeing to cross barriers of culture, language, religion and nationality, that faith communities can play a crucial role in making Scotland a welcoming country for refugees.
Since its founding SFAR has equipped local faith communities to welcome refugees through advice, training, and the creation of resources. Together with Faith in Community Scotland they operate the Faithful Welcome project and small grants fund, helping faith groups to begin new projects with New Scots. SFAR is also involved in advocacy and campaigning on issues that will benefit the lives of refugees, including on the successful campaign for free bus travel for all asylum seekers in Scotland. We continue to advocate for fairer and more just asylum system that affords protection for those in need of sanctuary.
Find out more about the work of SFAR here.
Sanctuary in Scotland booklet
Sanctuary in Scotland is a guide providing information on refugee issues for faith groups in Scotland. It includes facts and figures, definitions, current issues and ideas for practical action by and for faith communities in Scotland.
This resource is made available for free and is funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
You can also make a request for printed copies.
God With Us booklet
God With Us is a set of free worship resources on the theme of refugees, migration and sanctuary. We have created this resource in ecumenical partnership with Churches Together In Britain And Ireland for clergy, church leaders and worship leaders of all Christian faiths to use.
Within the booklet, you will find material for prayer and worship relating to the theme of refugees. We offer it as inspiration for people looking for ideas. It contains Bible studies that could be used to aid reflection in public worship or by small groups. There are also offerings of prayers for intercession, thanksgiving and for special occasions. We make suggestions for hymns, songs, chants and music that could be appropriate. There are ideas for children's talks, school assemblies or group discussion activities. And, throughout, we share personal stories and poetry - which we invite you to use for your own personal devotion or as part of a church service.
You can also make a request for printed copies.