Seeds for Growth

Are you looking to run a project aimed at delivering church growth? Perhaps developing a new form or fresh expression of church life or working with people aged 40 and under?
Then, the Seeds for Growth may be for you.
Here are some of the things Seeds for Growth have funded
Level 1 Funded Projects
Level 1 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £1,000.
- Pioneer training
- Children and family work through schools and Holiday Clubs
- Catering for multicultural community outreach events
- Jazz Shaped Mission workshops
- Christmas story workshops in primary school
- A missional holiday club for adults
- Christ, craft and cakes outreach fellowship
- Alpha course in the local coffee shop
- Employing a consultant to undertake community research
Level 2 Funded Projects
Level 2 Grants Guidelines -Maximum award is £10,000.
- Presbytery Internship Scheme – awarding congregations micro grants to employ interns to kick start local missional projects
- Choir Church – developing relationships with the unchurched through music
- A Presbytery Mission Initiative creating a Disciple Making Network in the community
- Active Church supporting young families meeting in the village centre building
- Presbytery-wide Mission Audit
- Life Project working in newbuild housing estate
Level 3 Funded Projects
Level 3 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £40,000 per annum for up to 3 years.
- Building a pipeline for finding, training, equipping and releasing youth ministers
- Introducing faith-based work into an established youth organisation
- Discovering God as creator and restorer by embedding the gospel into a series of DIY and creative groups as part of outreach to a new housing area aimed at creating a church community
- Provide pioneering training to support networked missional initiatives across the presbytery
- New worshipping community exploring monastic rhythms and spirituality based around a market garden
- Community outreach projects including a new walking ministry and “A pie, A pint and a parable” initiative
- Level 4 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £100,000 per annum for up to 3 years.
You will find more about Seeds For Growth and how to apply in the following pages.
If you have any questions, please contact the Seeds For Growth team at or call 0131 376 3682