Interfaith relations

Here, you can find information about our connections with other faith communities and Interfaith Activities for your community.
At the heart of interfaith relations is the desire to connect with Scotland's diverse faith communities through authentic dialogue, humble solidarity and loving service. Across our differences we have much to share.
The commandment to love our neighbour drives the Church of Scotland's partnership and dialogue with members of other faiths. In doing so, we aim to:
- Listen to and understand the experiences and challenges of other faith communities
- Know where we might be able to help or collaborate on shared issues
- Act in solidarity as allies in tackling the discrimination faced by other faith communities through education, advocacy and awareness raising
The General Assembly in 2014 called for the national Church, presbyteries and local churches to reach out to other faith communities. In 2016 the post of Interfaith Programme Officer was established in order to advise, encourage and facilitate interfaith engagement across the Church.
Interfaith Week 2024 10-17 November
When we are curious about the lives of others, we carve out space for each person to be themselves and meet each other exactly where we are, as we are.
This year's theme for Scottish Interfaith Week is Discovery and this year will mark the 20th Anniversary. There are plenty of events happening across Scotland and you can find ideas and resources for running your own here.
Explore the events section of the Church of Scotland website for information on upcoming interfaith events.
Interfaith Partners
The Church of Scotland works with a number of local, national and international interfaith groups, projects, partners and organisations which empower and enable interfaith connections and networks to flourish in Scotland, the UK and internationally.
We are members of the following interfaith organisations and ecumenical bodies which resource interfaith engagement:
- Interfaith Scotland
- Council of Christians and Jews
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)
- Programme for Christian Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA)
Jewish-Christian Glossary Project
In 2020 the Church of Scotland and the Office of the Chief Rabbi embarked on a project to create a Jewish Christian glossary of words and terms that members of both religions use but understand and hear in different ways. We chose words that relate in particular to issues, theology and beliefs in Israel and Palestine, alongside more general theological terms.
The full version of the glossary is now available to read.
If you would like to use the glossary in your Church as a resource for study and discussion then you can use this worksheet. If you would like help to organise an event with the local Jewish community please contact the Church of Scotland's interfaith advisor Mirella Yandoli.
Get involved

Webinar exploring Islamophobia
In November 2022, to mark Islamophobia Awareness month, the Church of Scotland hosted a webinar to explore Islamophobia from the perspective of three Scottish Muslims. Learn more.
Islamophobia Awareness Month
November is Islamophobia Awareness Month in the UK. The Church of Scotland is an active supporter of Islamophobia Awareness Month, which seeks to support Muslim communities across the UK in fighting anti-Muslim hatred.
There is no place for hatred aimed at anyone in our society, and as one of the main faith traditions in Scotland we have a duty to tackle the ignorance, fear and misinformation that feeds it.
For more information on events, webinars and how to get involved please visit the Islamophobia Awareness Month website.