Training for Ministry

Once candidates for ministry have successfully completed the Towards Ministry process, they will undertake a comprehensive programme of training and formation..
Based around the Formation Framework and the eight-dimensions of formation, your training will include academic requirements, conference programmes, and multiple practical placements.
The precise nature and content of these vary according to the particular national ministry you are training for, including Full-Time Word and Sacrament, Diaconate, Ordained Local Ministry and Readership.
Let us take you through the training process, step by step
A series of conferences with a comprehensive programme of seminars dealing with various topics related to ministry is provided as part of the formation programme for each distinctive ministry.
Over Candidacy and Probation topics covered include worship, leadership, preaching, discipleship, pastoral care, issues of equality, discrimination and inclusion, church law, and an exploration of different forms of ministry such as chaplaincy and funerals. All candidates undergo speech training and a course in safeguarding .
During your studies full-time Candidates will also attend small groups known as Ministry Training Network, which helps cement your learning and experience in formation and theological reflection.
Candidates for any ministry within the Church of Scotland have to undertake a series of practical placements during which they are attached to a local congregation under the supervision of a trained and accredited supervisor.
These placements vary in length and some are full-time, depending on the course of formation being followed.
All supervisors are given full training, and are well supported by the staff of Faith Action in this most important task.
For those training for FTWS or Diaconate, your final placement will be a 15-month probationary period. For those training for OLM it will be 12-months.
Candidates accepted for training will be able to study for undergraduate or post-graduate divinity degrees at one of the Church of Scotland-affiliated colleges and centres located within Scotland’s leading universities.
As well as full-time study, remote and part-time learning opportunities also exist.
Our academic partners include:
- Christ's College, University of Aberdeen
- Highland Theological College, University of the Highlands and Islands.
- New College, University of Edinburgh
- St Mary's College, University of St Andrews
- Trinity College, University of Glasgow
All Candidates will study modules in areas of Old Testament, New Testament, Worship, Missiology, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, Sacramental Theology, and Scottish Church History.
The appraisal process
Once Candidates have been accepted, they are subject to a process of regular appraisal. This is the process by which the Church assure themselves that all aspects of training have been completed in a satisfactory fashion.
No Candidate can proceed to the next stage of training without the previous year having been commended at an annual appraisal. Interim and Final Probationer Appraisals are conducted and must be completed satisfactorily before Probationers can seek an appointment and ordination. This appraisal process does not at present apply to Candidates for the Readership.
On into ministry
Toward the end of your probation, and after successfully completing your final appraisal, you will be able to explore your next step in serving the Church.
We help support you as you discern where God might be calling you to serve in the Church. Those who train for OLM and Readership especially look to their Presbytery for guidance in these matters.
Further training
While your time of initial ministerial training will be intense, it is not possible for it to equip you for everything ministry will require. A commitment to continuing your own development will build on the training provided in the early years. Ascend is our platform to identify ongoing training opportunities, support and development. Church of Scotland Learning will offer a growing selection of training opportunities.