The Guild was started in 1887 by Rev Dr Archibald Charteris. Today, over 130 years later, there are 11,000 members in 550 Guilds across the UK.
Below is a short excerpt from the Guild's timeline.
1884 | Dr Charteris makes an appeal to women of the Church through Life and Work magazine to find out more about women's work – such as that with the fisher women of Scotland |
1885 | Charteris appeals to the Assembly for permission to investigate and report back on the work being done by women and the possibility of organising an official working unit. |
1887 | Church of Scotland Woman's Guild is formed. |
1891 | First Guild conference. The first deaconess, Lady Grisell Baillie, is allowed to preside over the morning session. Guild launches a "mothers' union" movement |
1892 | Dr Archibald Charteris is elected Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland |
1893 | Guild agrees to build a hospital adjacent to the school in Kalimpong. First Guild badge launched: price 10d, or 9d as a pendant |
1894 | Kalimpong hospital opens (both funded and provided with equipment by Guild members) |
1898 | Charteris retires |
1904 | Guild Cottage opens in Lasswade, Midlothian for women who "had fallen victim to intemperance" |
1907 | Kirk Sessions empowered to bestow Guild Leader's Diploma on woman of "particular zeal and ability" |
1908 | Dr Charteris dies and is buried in Wamphray |
1924 | Presbyterial Councils with reps going to Central Committee starts |
1928 | Guild forms Sub-Committee on Service to train Guild members in public speaking |
1937 | Jubilee year. Additional funds sent to Kalimpong for expansion and remodelling of the school and hospital. Annual Meeting held at Waverley Market (instead of Usher Hall) to accommodate numbers wishing to attend – 7000. Guild president allowed to chair Guild central committee – previously it had to be a man who chaired the meeting! Long Service Certificates, with badge and bar, launched to recognise 25 years of service. |
1939 | Annual Meeting held in McEwan Hall (instead of Usher Hall) (Last meeting until 1943). Guild given responsibility for its own finances – first fee was per group, dependent on size, later becoming a capitation fee. Four-year limit put on period of service for presidents. |
1954 | Kalimpong hospital jubilee – funds sent for maternity department |
1956 | First Theme launched |
1957 | 70th anniversary of Guild and 25th anniversary of first annual meeting in the Usher Hall. |
1971 | Guild sets up Communications Group to ascertain views of members on matters of social concern |
1977 | Queen attends Guild's 90th anniversary AM |
1982 | Anne Hepburn, national president, opens annual meeting with 'God, our Mother' prayer, sparking controversy and debate at General Assembly |
1987 | Guild Centenary. Celebratory annual meeting at Assembly Hall, Edinburgh. Discussion Topics launched |
1997 | Church of Scotland Woman's Guild becomes Church of Scotland Guild. New constitution is introduced. Project Partnership Scheme starts. Three-year strategies launches: Riches in Poverty 1997-2000. Special celebratory Annual Meeting at Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow |
2004 | First annual Guild Week – last week in November – to encourage Guilds to raise awareness of Guild work in their congregations and communities |
2015 | Launch of new strategy and projects for 2015-18: Be Bold, Be Strong! |
2016 | Official Guild tartan commissioned and designed |
2018 | Launch of new strategy and projects for 2019- 21: One journey, many roads |
2020 | Guilds respond to the COVID 19 pandemic by supporting each other in many ways even when they could not meet in person including embracing modern technology to hold virtual meetings. |
2021 | Launch of new strategy and projects for 2021 -24: Look Forward in Faith |
2024 | Launch of new strategy and projects for 2024-2027: Let us build a house. |
2024 | Launch of LIFT (Love in Fellowship and Trust) an online Guild branch for young people aged 18-30 |
A more detailed history of the Guild can be found here