Guild Initiative Fund
Grants of up to £1000 are available to Guilds looking to do innovative projects in their church or community.
The fund was set up to encourage people to think of new ways of "being the Guild" and of serving the church and the wider community in ways that allow the Guild to meet its three principles of worship, prayer and action innovatively. Often we are held in a loop where we repeat things that we have done before and sometimes it is good to break out of that loop and experiment with new ideas that offer new services but which, just as importantly , can invigorate us when we may have been feeling a little tired or frustrated with the way things are going. The initiative fund doesn't offer strict rules for qualification...instead it offers encouragement to a "can do" attitude and a spirit of innovation.
What might we get funding for?
A huge range of things, many of which have not been thought of yet! It could be that you want to run an event or produce a resource or provide a support network for a vulnerable group. It could be that you want to improve the facilities in your church or tell the story of the Guild to new people. It could be that you want to train people to do new things or to do current things better. Basically, the limits on applications are those of your own imagination!
How much can we apply for?
As with the range of ideas the fund supports, there is no firm guidance on the amounts of money available. A typical grant will be a few hundred pounds, but some projects have received funding above and below such a figure. It may be that a partial grant is offered. Each proposal is taken on its merits.
What should we be thinking about before applying?
- Is the idea genuinely novel and innovative rather than just repeating things that have gone before or filling a gap in funding?
- Is funding available elsewhere?
- Is there evidence of other funding being sought?
- Is there a clear sense of purpose to the idea?
- Is there evidence that it is well -planned and managed?
How do we apply?
Request an application form from the Guild office:
Phone: 0131 240 2217
Post: Guild Office, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN
Once complete, the application form may be returned via post or email.
When an application is received, it will be acknowledged and dates of meetings advised. It may also be the case that we will ask for further clarification as the process goes on. Equally, you may want to ask for help and advice from the Guild office in advance of making an application for funding. The application will be considered by the next scheduled meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and you will be notified of the decision as soon as is practical after that meeting.
Remember, the fund is there for new ideas and new ideas need to be thought through, so feel free to ask!