Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow!

An inspirational time of worship, prayer and vision.
Post General Assembly 2023 we have seen the creation of Seeds for Growth and the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team. We are excited to be visiting your presbytery to discover together new ways we can encourage and support you.
There will be multiple dates and locations held in different presbyteries across the Church of Scotland., so please refer to them below.
- Wednesday 11 Sept (14 pm-17 pm/19 pm- 21pm)
Presbytery: Fife
Location: Wellesley Parish Church and Church Centre, Wellesley Road, Methil, Leven, Fife, KY8 3PE
To book your attendance please fill in this very short form Please fill in a separate form for each attendee.
Neil Glover, Convener of the Seeds for Growth Committee, would like the opportunity to share his heart with you and in turn hear your plans to grow and flourish in your local context. Together we hope we can resource you in the next season. He will cover all aspects of applying for funding including our new criteria.
Tommy MacNeil, Convener of the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team, would like to come and spend some time with you, listening to your journeys so far and learning how we can partner with you to realise your vision of the future.
1400–1700 Afternoon worship and workshops led by Neil Glover and Tommy MacNeil. This FREE session is open to all involved in congregational life.
Dinner break. Catering is not available but you can remain with us in the venue with a packed tea or visit a local eatery.
1900–2100 Evening of worship, prayer and praise led by Tommy MacNeil and Neil Glover this FREE session is open to all.
Other dates and locations:
- Wednesday 18 September (1400hrs -1700hrs/1900hrs – 2100hrs)
Presbytery: Forth Valley and Clydesdale
Location: Hamilton, St John's Parish Church, 10-14 Duke street, Hamilton, ML3 7DT
Book attendance: Here - Wednesday 2 October (1900hrs – 2100hrs)
Presbytery: Cleir Eilean I
Location: Online
Book attendance: Here - Thursday 3 October (1400hrs -1700hrs /1900hrs – 2100hrs)
Presbytery: Perth
Location: St. Matthew’s Church of Scotland, Tay street, Perth, PH 1 5 LQ.
Book attendance: Here - Saturday 5 October (1030hrs - 1530hrs)
Presbytery: Lothian and Borders
Location: St John's & King’s Park Church, 31 Eskbank road, Dalkeith, EH22 1HJ
Book attendance: Here - Saturday 30 November (1400hrs - 1700hrs)
Presbytery: England and the Channel Islands
Location: Online
Book attendance: Here
When: 11 September, 18 September, 2 October, 5 October, 30 November
Where: Online and multiple locations.
To book your attendance refer to links above.