Churches in Lewis gather together for inspirational outdoor revival service
Published on 31 July 2018
About 140 people came together for an outdoor ecumenical Revival Service on Friday 27 July at Baile na Cille Glebe, Uig, Isle of Lewis.
Rev Hugh Maurice Stewart said:
"Rev James MacIver, minister for the Free Church, Stornoway, preached a powerful, inspiring sermon centred on Psalm 126 that highlighted the life-transforming, prayer-inspiring power of the gospel of Jesus Christ within communities during past revivals, and said that God's next loving revival will be tailor-made to meet the spiritual needs of that generation."
Baile na Cille Glebe is the site of the Great Lewis Revival of the 1820s where it is reported that between 7-9,000 people regularly gathered to worship God outdoors.
After the service the group returned to Uig Community Hall for refreshments, sandwiches, home baking and a special time of fellowship and praise in both Gaelic and English.
Rev Stewart said everyone was greatly moved when nine-year-old Roseanne Smith-MacInnes led her friends, Eabha, Joseph, Christopher and Carrie in singing the hymn, ‘Jesus Loves Me This I Know'.
The moment was poignant, the minister says, because for most of her life, Roseanne has been unable to speak, never mind sing, due to a medical condition.
"As an infant, Roseanne was airlifted by RAF Hercules Transport Plane along with her twin brother Joseph to receive life-saving treatment in Glasgow. She had to have surgery that involved a tube being inserted into her throat and that meant that she was not able to speak.
"Over the years, unsuccessful attempts were made to remove the tracheostomy tube and Roseanne had to be resuscitated back to life," the minister added. "But two years ago the operation succeeded and, at the age of 7, Roseanne could finally learn to speak.
"Last Friday night she was able, through the miracle of medicine and by God's grace to praise Jesus with her little friends.
"Little Roseanne is a true inspiration to us all and a great encouragement that God delights to answer the prayers of His people. Roseanne has been a radiant sunbeam of joy in her darkest times of providential challenge."
The six ministers who took part in the service were: Rev James MacIver, Rev Calum Iain MacLeod; Rev Bob Sinclair; Rev Stephen Matthews; Rev Dr Duncan MacAskill and Rev Hugh Maurice Stewart.