Churches call for prayer during Brexit discussions
Published on 26 February 2019
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland have called on Christians and all people of faith and goodwill to set aside time for prayer about Brexit.

The churches' group has published a small collection of prayers, including an excerpt from the Church of Scotland's annual prayer book, 'Pray Now' (Word of Life edition).
The prayers aim to help us navigate Brexit with respect and care despite our different perspectives.
Initially released for Christian Unity week, the prayers are for use as long as they are needed. Try one of the prayers (below) and find more on the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland website.
A Prayer for a Shared Future
God of past,
and future,
be with us as we take our next steps as nations together.
May we strive to love
our neighbour as ourselves
Listening and speaking
with respectful kindness,
embracing difference.
Remembering how much all have been forgiven by you,
May we offer friendship, grant mercy,
And Seek peace and justice
in our shared future. Amen