Church calls for ceasefire in Ukraine
Published on 24 February 2022
As Europe wakes this morning to news that Russia has launched an invasion of Ukraine, the Church of Scotland is calling on all parties to renew peacemaking efforts and prepare to offer humanitarian aid to the people of that country.
The Faith Impact Forum has been in regular dialogue with members of our partner church, the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, Ukraine (Egyházkerület Kárpátaljai Református) and will continue to support them through prayer and advocacy.
The Church is also joining with the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, the Conference of European Churches, and World Council of Churches to work together to collectively support the churches and people of Ukraine in seeking a peaceful solution.
Lord Wallace, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said: "Our prayers are with the Ukrainian people who are now under attack and in fear of their lives.
"We call on the UK Government to join with governments across the world and together persuade all parties to agree to a ceasefire and immediately return to the negotiating table.
"At the same time we ask the UK Government to prepare a generous humanitarian response to assist people fleeing the war.
"As a matter of urgency the government should prepare a plan to receive and resettle refugees from the conflict and support neighbouring countries to respond locally to the crisis.
"The Covid pandemic and the intensifying climate crisis has shown us that no catastrophe can be isolated and what affects one region affects all of us.
"More than ever, national governments need to find a way to work together for the sake of our common humanity."
The Moderator and Very Rev Dr Susan Brown, convener of the Faith Impact Forum, are inviting all of us to join them in praying for those who are suffering from the violence in Ukraine.
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
O God, the refuge and strength of all,
You hold the people of Ukraine in the palm of your hand.
The name of each person there,
Is written on your heart.
In the darkness of invasion
And in the mire of political machinations,
Spread we pray, the light of hope and of justice
And of peace.
Encourage those who are frightened,
To find strength in you
And in those around them -
Near and far.
Help the worldwide family of nations
To respond in love
With outstretched hearts,
Open minds,
And with too, the wisdom needed
to effect a peace that lasts.
Save us we pray,
From not caring enough.
For your Son's sake.