Moderator encourages people to donate to Ukraine charity appeal
Published on 4 March 2022
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is encouraging people to donate to charities supporting refugees from Ukraine. More than a million people have fled the conflict and have crossed borders to reach surrounding countries.

"Across the world, people are asking how they can best support the millions of people whose lives have been torn apart by the attack on Ukraine," Lord Wallace said.
"The Church of Scotland, locally and nationally, has been working to support all those affected by the war through prayer, by reaching out to churches in the region, through supporting our partners in the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid emergency response along with charities working in neighbouring countries. We are also urging the UK Government to remove all barriers for refugees seeking sanctuary in our country.
"One of the best and most efficient ways to help is through making a financial donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee," he said.
"If you haven't yet donated, I encourage you to give to the DEC Ukraine appeal and support the work of aid organisations, including Christian Aid, which are working in countries receiving refugees from Ukraine.
"They need our help to welcome the desperate people who have fled for their lives and are now facing cold, hunger and a future filled with uncertainty and fear. Donating to the DEC appeal will ensure your help reaches the people who need it most."
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal will raise funds for member charities to urgently respond to the crisis and supply people fleeing the violence with shelter, food, water and medical support.
What's happening in Ukraine?
More than a million people have already fled their homes, leaving behind jobs, belongings and loved ones as the fighting has destroyed homes and key essential services.
Families have been separated. People have been injured and it is currently estimated that well over 100 civilians have been killed with more than 500 injured.
At Ukraine's borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, huge numbers of people are arriving with only what they can carry. In many places there are long waits to cross and scant facilities waiting for them on the other side, with temperatures dropping below freezing overnight.
The Chair of the DEC Ukraine Appeal in Scotland, Marie Hayes of the British Red Cross Scotland, says
"DEC member charities are already helping thousands of people caught up in the horror of this conflict and are best placed to provide the vital humanitarian support in the days and weeks to come."
What is the Church of Scotland doing?
Congregations and presbyteries across Scotland have collected and distributed substantial donations to charities working in the region.
And nationally the Church has raised its voice. Lord Wallace, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and Very Rev Dr Susan Brown, convener of the Faith Impact Forum, have called for peacemaking, urged the UK Government to offer a generous welcome to refugees, and have offered a prayer for all those affected by the war in Ukraine.
Dr Brown also wrote to congregations to share an opportunity to send donations (via the Church of Scotland) to Reformed Church in Hungary Aid which is supporting those fleeing from the conflict as they seek safety and sanctuary.
The Moderator has also joined a group of 1,000 faith leaders to call for changes to the Nationalities and Borders Bill so it is more welcoming to refugees.
The Faith Impact Forum remains in regular contact with partner churches in the region, including the Reformed Church in Hungary and the Transcarpathian Church, offering moral and spiritual support.
The Moderator has written to the Consuls in Edinburgh of Ukraine and Russia urging an end to the war and to pursue a path of peace with justice for all people in both countries.
Lord Wallace has also written to the senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Great Britain to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and to the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain (within the Ecumenical Patriarchate), copied to their Bishop in Edinburgh.
The international bodies of which we are members have, with our engagement and support, organised a prayer service for peace with around 3,000 people participating from 80 countries on Ash Wednesday (1 March). It is now available to watch at the bottom of this page.
Donate through the Church of Scotland
By donating through the Church of Scotland you may be able to add gift aid to your donation.
If eligible, please also complete the Gift Aid Declaration form, ensuring the Charity Name is completed as "The Church of Scotland". The completed form can be returned to the Church of Scotland by email to
- Transfer your donation to the Royal Bank of Scotland Church of Scotland No 1 Account
- No 00134859
- Sort code 83 06 08
- Reference: RCHA donation
Donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee
- Online: Visit
- Phone: 0370 60 60 900
Across the UK, every pound donated to the DEC by the UK public will be matched by the UK Government through its Aid Match scheme up to the value of £20 million. The Scottish Government will be contributing £2 million to the appeal.