Talking Ministry: ‘I am now doing what God called me to do’
Published on 16 October 2023 3 minutes read
For Rev George Sneddon, moving from the banking sector to ministry was not so much a change of career, but the logical next step in following the path God had set for him.

Originally from Kirkmuirhill in Lanarkshire where he still lives with Jack, his Staffie/Jack Russell cross, Mr Sneddon did not grow up in a religious home, but asking big questions about life and death eventually led him to follow Jesus.
However, frustration at being able to share or even properly talk about that faith in his working life led him to consider a move towards full-time ministry.
Speaking as part of the Church of Scotland's monthly Talking Ministry feature, Mr Sneddon said: "I had a great life: a very well-paid job, a lovely car, my own home, great family connections and my former work in the bank gave me one of my closest and dearest friends.
"I was a senior leader in things like equality and diversity, coaching management, and engagement. I was passionate about people seeing their worth.
"One afternoon, when I was visiting a branch of the bank I worked for, one staff member was so heartbroken about a family situation at home that I just wanted to pray for him. But I couldn't.
"I also remember buying 200 hot-cross buns at Easter to give to staff, but was told to bin them because it wasn't appropriate to talk about religion and faith at work. It deeply frustrated my soul."

It was at the suggestion of his friend Kaye Gardiner, who is herself now a Church of Scotland minister, he enquired about ministry, leading to his studying theology at Glasgow University and training to become a minister of Word and Sacrament with the Church of Scotland.
Next month will be the first anniversary of his ordination and he currently serves as minister at Mossneuk Parish Church in East Kilbride where he is still pursuing that passion to make people see their worth by sharing his faith.
"I don't think I changed career. I feel I am now doing what God called me to do," he said.
Rising to the challenge
It is a calling that can be challenging, but also immensely rewarding.
"I love all the joys and the challenges that come with ministry," he said.
"I love that everything isn't easy and free flowing for me.
"Nothing good ever comes easy and I serve a Lord who endured all hardship, so I adore the challenges it brings."
The rewards have come in a flourishing church and growth in interest in spiritual matters locally, which Mr Sneddon attributes to being led by the Holy Spirit.
"I'm more attentive to His voice than I've ever been. That has brought growth," he said.
Reflecting on what advice he would give to someone exploring their church calling, Mr Sneddon recalled the words of his driving instructor: "When you are wrong, back down and apologise, but when you are right, fight for the truth.'
Mr Sneddon added: "He wasn't a Christian at all, but that really imprinted on my heart.

"I am not afraid of being wrong, but I will always fight for the truth. That is the really important part of ministry and it's the same advice I would give to anyone.
"We must stand in the truth of the Gospel and never waver – even if the world attacks us for it. That is the sacrificial call to all Christians, ministers, elders, congregants, deacons, staff and all who believe on the Lord Jesus – stand firm, He is True to His word."
You can read Rev George Sneddon's full interview on our Talking Ministry page where you can also find discernment resources filled with questions, prayers and reflections to help encourage your own reflection on how God might be calling you.