Eco-congregation to host climate change and justice conference
An eco-congregation will host Glasgow Presbytery's Climate Change and Justice conference on Saturday 9 March.
The event at Cadder Parish Church in Bishopriggs is being organised with Christian Aid Scotland, Eco-Congregation Scotland, and the Church of Scotland.

There will be a keynote address followed by a number of workshops and a chance to engage with each other to exchange ideas and hear about the work being done by other like-minded people.
The congregation at Cadder has long been involved with Eco-Congregation Scotland since 2009.
Rev John MacGregor, minister of Cadder Parish Church, said:
"I am delighted that Cadder Church`s Caring for Creation team is hosting this climate change conference, supported by other groups within the Church of Scotland, who also have a passion for the future of God`s creation.
"The psalmist wrote, "When I consider your heavens, the works of your hands..." We of all people should be driving this climate change issue forward, as we seek to be wise stewards of God`s Universe, and as we safeguard the work of God`s hands. It is a wonderful world, and we are called to be wise stewards of it.
"I look forward to welcoming you to Cadder South Halls on Saturday 9 March at 10 am."
Frank Dick, Team Leader of the Caring for God's Creation Group at Cadder Parish Church, said:
"We continue with our climate change agenda to make a difference locally, nationally and internationally and to reduce our carbon footprint as a congregation and as families in our own homes.
"We strive to keep our older and younger generation active and informed about Climate Change.
"Why not come along and join us we would be delighted to see you there and you will be made most welcome."
The church sits in an area of outstanding beauty, with origins dating back to the mid-12th Century.
Public transport is available by train form Glasgow Queen St Station (approximately 10 minutes away) and by bus from Buchanan Bus Station (approximately 10 minutes away)
If would like to learn more about climate justice including how you can take action to reduce carbon emissions, and what other congregations in your area are doing, the Church of Scotland together with Christian Aid, Eco-Congregation Scotland and the Guild are looking for host presbyteries and congregations for further climate roadshows. If you are interested in taking part, please email