Breaking the Silence
Published on 4 November 2024 2 minutes read
Penni Brown, a candidate for ministry, writes about breaking the silence around abusive relationships and an event taking part at Greenbank Church in Edinburgh on Saturday 9 November which will highlight the issue.

When we ask ourselves the question, ‘What kind of Church do we want to be?' there are some things that we will all probably agree on. We all want to be the sort of church that responds compassionately, with a message of hope and freedom to those trapped in abusive and coercive relationships. That is why it is so important for us to listen to those with lived experience of domestic abuse and to learn from experts like Women's Aid. Therefore, we want to champion local congregations like Greenbank Church in Edinburgh taking the initiative with gender justice issues like domestic abuse.
The new convener of the Church's Integrity committee Sally Sheail will attend the awareness raising event next Saturday (9 November) hosted by Greenbank Church in their church building on Braidburn Terrace from 9.30 to 12.30pm. Women's Aid will be giving an educational presentation on the issues of gender violence involved in coercive relationships. This will help us as a church to identify and respond in the best way possible. After also hearing the lived experience from a survivor of domestic abuse (this content may be triggering for some) there will be a question-and-answer session followed by a break for refreshments. After the break we will hear from Suzanne Beitan speak with wisdom on the topic of ‘Human Brokenness and healing'. Suzanne is a spiritual director with many years' experience of counselling and managing counselling services. Her talk promises to be uplifting and inspiring.
Sally would like to urge others from local congregations to sign up for this one-off event, organised by ‘A Safe Listening Place' - a group at Greenbank Parish Church who would love to collaborate with others from across the city and presbytery. This is an educational event aimed at promoting understanding of the complex dynamics of domestic violence. Becoming informed can help us as a church to support and care for one another with compassion and without judgement.
Did you know that domestic abuse affects at least 1 in 5 women in Scotland at some point in their lives?
Join us, and our expert speakers for a morning of information, discussion and sharing of ideas while we explore the issue of domestic abuse within our communities.
The event is free to attend but to reserve a space please email
Edinburgh Women's Aid.
Suzanne Beitan: 'Ways of Wounding and Ways of Responding'
The Lived Experience of a Domestic Abuse Survivor (potentially sensitive content)
Refreshments will be provided.
Details in the events section of the Church of Scotland website.