Church roadshows give cause for hope for tomorrow
Published on 5 September 2024 3 minutes read
Church members across Scotland and beyond are being invited to share their own good news in a series of in-person and online events.

Under the banner "Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow!", Neil Glover, convener of the Seeds for Growth committee, and Tommy MacNeil, convener of the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team (FAPLT) will be hearing of exciting developments and plans from congregations throughout Scotland, as well as the Kirk's associated churches in England and the Channel Islands.
Importantly, they will also be discussing how Seeds for Growth and FAPLT can help them achieve their aims with Mr Glover covering all aspects of applying for support through the Seeds for Growth fund, including the new criteria for applicants.

Mr MacNeil is also looking forward to hearing about the journeys which congregations and presbyteries have taken so far and learning how FAPLT can partner them to enable them to realise their vision of the future.
"We are looking forward to sharing the vision of Seeds for Growth and FAPLT for the future of the Church and building relationships with presbyteries, which is absolutely key to the work we do, and also the joy of gathering together, worshipping together and being inspired together," Mr Glover said.
"With Seeds for Growth, we are really keen to hear new ideas for planting churches, developing their work and always keen to hear feedback about the fund and how we can be more supportive. It's really good to share information about the support that the Church has to offer through Seeds for Growth for doing youth work, revitalising churches and planting new churches."

Revitalised and energised
The financial support offered by Seeds for Growth in its current year has grown from £650,000 to £1.5 million, with grant funding available from a one-off investment of £1,000 grant up to £100,000 per year for three years with the possibility of reapplying for a further two years.
The criteria for applications have also been extended and Mr Glover will be able to advise attendees on what will enable their application to be a success.
"The main difference is that we now support revitalising and reenergising existing congregations alongside new worshipping communities," he added.

"We also have support for faith-based youth work."
The first of these roadshows will take place at Wellesley Parish Church in Methil for the Presbytery of Fife area on Wednesday September 11 and will include an afternoon of worship and workshops followed by an evening of worship prayer and praise.
Events for the presbyteries of Forth Valley and Clydesdale (18 September at St John's Parish Church, Hamilton), and Perth (3 October at St Matthew's Church in Perth) will follow a similar pattern, while the Lothian and Borders event (5 October at St John and King's Park Church in Dalkeith), will take place during the day from 10.30am.
Because of the geographical challenges they present, the sessions for the presbyteries of Clèir Eilean Ì (2 October) and England and the Channel Islands (30 November) will take place online.
These latest roadshows follow on from similar events held earlier in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh which received an enthusiastic response from both the Seeds for Growth and FAPLT representatives and those taking part, one minister commenting: "I came into the session feeling quite despondent and tired but left feeling uplifted and hopeful about our future."
The roadshow dates are:
Wednesday 11 September: Fife Presbytery – Wellesley Parish Church and Church Centre, Methil, with afternoon worship and workshop from 2pm to 5pm and evening worship, prayer and praise from 7pm to 9pm.
Wednesday 18 September: Forth Valley and Clydesdale Presbytery – St John's Parish Church, Hamilton, 2pm to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm.
Wednesday 2 October: Clèir Eilean Ì, the Church of Scotland in the Highlands and Hebrides – online from 7pm to 9pm.
Thursday 3 October: Perth Presbytery – St Matthew's Church of Scotland, Perth, 2pm to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm.
Saturday 5 October: Lothian and Borders Presbytery – St John and King's Park Church, Dalkeith, 10.30am to 3.30pm.
Saturday 30 November: – Presbytery of England and Channel Islands – online. Timings to be confirmed.
For information on how to book, visit this page.