Congregation's environmental work recognised in the Scottish Parliament
Published on 11 July 2024 1 minute read
An historic village church has been recognised in the Scottish Parliament for its work to care for creation and tackle climate change.
Dalserf Parish Church in South Lanarkshire was awarded a silver award by Eco-Congregation Scotland, a Christian environmental charity addressing climate change and conservation.
Backed by cross-party MSPs, the motion was lodged by Monica Lennon, an MSP for Central Scotland, who recently visited the Clyde Valley church where she was married 19 years ago.

It stated: "That the Parliament congratulates Dalserf Church on achieving the prestigious silver award from Eco-Congregation Scotland in recognition of its environmental work and achievements."
The motion commended the congregation's eco group for developing a reflection garden, recycling centre and wildlife area within the grounds of the historic 350-year-old church.
It congratulated members for deciding to hold a workshop to inspire other churches and encourage them to work towards the environmental award.
Rev Fiona Anderson, interim moderator at Dalserf Parish Church, said, "We were delighted that the work of Eco-Congregation Scotland was being acknowledged and that Dalserf had been highlighted in this Scottish Parliament motion.
"We were thrilled when Mrs Lennon agreed to come along and present a copy of the motion to the Church."
Mary Sweetland from Eco-Congregation Scotland presented the Silver Award plaque to the congregation on the same day.
She was one of the assessors who judged the church's application and encouraged the congregation to aim for the gold award next.
Meanwhile, an East Kilbride church has been commended in the Scottish Parliament for hosting a lifesaving defibrillator to assist people suffering cardiac arrest.
The automated machine has been installed at Moncreiff Parish Church.
It was sourced from the British Heart Foundation by 3rd East Kilbride Girls' Brigade troop, which researched the impact of first aid and the importance of defibrillators in the local community.
Backed by cross-party MSPs, the motion was lodged by Collette Stevenson, MSP for East Kilbride.