Kirk joins Waldensian Church for 850th celebrations
Published on 3 September 2024 2 minutes read
Representatives of the Church of Scotland recently travelled to Italy to join the Waldensian Church in celebrating their 850th anniversary.
The Waldensians, who trace their founding to Peter Waldo in 1173, are adherents of a church tradition within Western Christianity which developed before the Reformation.

The visit comes after the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in May passed a deliverance congratulating the Waldensian Church on their anniversary.
On Sunday 25 August, Rev Tara Curlewis, minister at St Andrew's Church in Rome, was recognised by the Waldensian Synod in its opening session as a full partner in the Waldensian Church. Ms Curlewis is the first appointed liaison officer to the newly-established Reformed Ecumenical Office in Rome, a cooperation between the Church of Scotland, Waldensians, and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and Uniting Church in Australia.
Rev Dr Ian Alexander, International Partnership Support Manager for the Church of Scotland, shared the greetings of the General Assembly with the Waldensian Synod members on Monday.
Dr Alexander said Waldo emphasised ‘the need for the spiritual renewal of the Church' and ‘freedom in preaching the gospel', remarking on its relevance for the Church of Scotland today.
"In the Church of Scotland, we are grateful for the Waldensian cooperation in working with Rev Tara Curlewis, the Minister of St Andrew's in Rome, and the first appointment to the newly established Reformed Ecumenical Office, to strengthen the presence of the Reformed Churches in ecumenical conversations in Rome," he said.
"It is a cooperation between the Church of Scotland, Waldensians, and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and Uniting Church in Australia, to represent the WCRC relating to other churches and ecumenical bodies in Rome."
The Church of Scotland also works with the Waldensian Church through its mission partner Fiona Kendall, who works with Mediterranean Hope, the refugee and migrant programme of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy.
"Fiona's post is an excellent collaboration between the Federation, the Tavola, the UK Methodists, and Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ (UCC)/Disciples in the USA," Dr Alexander said.
"When the debate about migration remains so polarised, initiatives such as Mediterranean Hope (MH) truly matter, and we are glad also to congratulate MH on its 10th anniversary.
"Led by Paolo Naso and now Marta Bernardini it is a strong witness to the world, reflecting a theology of hospitality and justice through its diverse projects."
The Rev Mary Cranfield, another Church of Scotland Minister, also attended the celebratory Synod and brought greetings as Chair of the Scottish Waldensian Society, even speaking in Italian.
Another Scot, Rev Professor Euan Cameron, was also present and gave a presentation in the Symposium about Waldensian history and place in the Reformed family. He is recently retired from Union Theological Seminary in New York City and is President of the American Waldensian Society.
Last year, the previous Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland Very Rev Sally Foster-Fulton visited the Waldensian Church in Rome in anticipation of the 850th anniversary.
Whilst there, she met with Waldensian Moderator Alessandra Trotta to discuss many issues including the work of Mediterranean Hope, diaconal ministries such as care for the elderly, violence against women, and involvement of youth, and theological education for those training for ministry.