Items offered and wanted
Welcome to our online service for parishes and presbyteries to offer or donate items no longer needed, or advertise for something they are looking for, from hymn books to furniture.
To advertise
Email the web team at with a brief description and a contact name, telephone number, and email address if you have one.
This is not a general "for sale" facility. The basis of the transfer (gift, donation in return, sale) is a matter for agreement between the parties concerned. The Church of Scotland website takes no responsibility for transfers and exchanges and no guarantee of quality is given on these web pages.
We reserve the right to delete or withhold information about items offered through this service or edit the online information given. Items will stay online for four months and will then be deleted unless a renewed request is received. Please let us know if you are successful so we can remove the items.
Items offered
- Furniture
Furniture set comprising communion table, 12 soft seated chancel chairs, pus minister chair, full height lectern, table top lectern, and a baptismal font. These attractive items have a black-painted metal frame and light wood attachments/table top.
These are available for immediate uplift. If interested, please contact Paul Rutherford on 07850 783291 /
- Cross
Following the closure of Eltham United Reformed Church, we have a cross that needs a home. It is about 80cm, dark stain finish with a rectangular base. Free to a good home but we would need postage and packaging to be covered.
Please email Tom at:
- Variety of items
Complete set of William Barclay Commentaries bound in 8 volumes
Kilt in Clerical Tartan ( navy and mid blue)
Two kilt jackets, probably size 46
A pair of black brogues which were worn with the above, size 10.5
Contact Kathleen Blakey,
- Traditional Oak Communion Table
Cumbernauld Old Parish Church has a traditional oak communion table surplus to requirements.
It is 1 metre 80cm long, 75cm wide and 95 cm high. It has This Do in Remembrance of Me along the top and three open pillars at the frontContact the depute session clerk E Snedden at
- Church Hymnary
Due to the closure of Colliston church we have the following available,
Hymns of Glory songs of praise x 33
Songs of God's people x27
Mission praise x22
Church Hymnary 3rd edition x90
Contact Norman Fairweather.
Items wanted
- Bellshill: St Andrew's Church Items
St Andrew's Church is seeking the following items:
- The Psalms and The Church Hymnary Third Edition (Words edition)
- Pew cushions
- Free standing external notice board
- Offering bags
- Table-top lectern
Contact: Rev. Jason Lingiah:
- Donation boxes
Donation boxes wanted for Luss Church.
- 50 inch TV screen
Fossoway St Serf's and Devonside, Crook of Devon, Kinross are looking for a minimum of a 50 inch TV screen / monitor to add to the existing AV system.
If you have one you no longer require, please contact:
Anne McKay
07766 418016