About Seeds for Growth

The £25 million Seeds for Growth supports projects aimed at church growth, reaching out to people who do not belong to an existing church, with particular emphasis on church planting.
Over a seven-year period, Seeds for Growth will award grants to support:
- Developing mission through new church communities (including church planting and funding training in Pioneering and Pioneer Ministry)
- Developing and nurturing faith in those under the age of 40 (including engaging in intergenerational approaches to church through new worshipping communities)
- Fostering discipleship and revitalisation within established congregations, with the aim of growing the existing congregation or developing a new worshipping community.
Seeds for Growth will prioritise the support of:
- Developing mission through new worshipping communities and church planting
- Engaging in intergenerational approaches to and participation in worship.
Four levels of funding
The four levels of funding can be accessed in succession. They are designed as a pathway to take you from first thoughts about mission in your context to funding long-term financially sustainable projects that reach the unchurched and/or could be described as new worshipping communities.
If you work through each stage of funding you will see that the application and reporting processes grow in complexity as the level of funding and duration of the project increases. Earlier levels can be used to discover and grow ideas that can be tested and adapted until they are ready for larger amounts of funding.
Having said that, some projects may only need a smaller grant to get them going. You can step onto the pathway at any level of funding, just describe to us your journey so far and we can help you find the right fit.
- Level 1 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £1,000.
- Level 2 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £10,000.
- Level 3 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £40,000 per annum for up to 3 years.
- Level 4 Grants Guidelines - Maximum award is £100,000 per annum for up to 3 years.
For more information about the grant types, eligibility, assessment criteria and application paperwork, see the Grants and How to Apply page.
The Pioneer Spectrum
Seeds for Growth is supporting people to become more imaginative in their approaches to church growth.
You may find it useful to think of pioneering as a range within which people are called to different aspects. The Pioneer Spectrum was developed by the Church Mission Society as a visual representation of this range of approaches.

The spectrum shows the range of pioneer ministry activities on an axis of increasing "cultural distance" from the missioner or missional team. It also shows how these activities relate to the intention of planting churches and to the concept of fresh expressions of church.
- Replicate/Plant: trying a (revitalised) model of church in a new setting
- Adapt: modify ideas for a local context
- Innovate: seeking new ways to connect with people and reimagining worshipping communities together
Seeds for Growth is aimed at supporting all three of these elements.
Privacy Notice
Please review our privacy notice (click on "Grant Privacy Notice" in the drop-down menu), which outlines the way in which the Church of Scotland Office of the Assembly Trustees will use personal information provided to us in connection with awarding grants on behalf of the Church of Scotland.