Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group (PMPIG) Facilitators
The Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group (PMPIG) meets monthly to review proposed bases of adjustment. The Group also assists Presbyteries with implementing the new Mission Plan Act.
National Convener
Rev Dr Karen Katrina Campbell – Convener
Karen was ordained in 1997 at St Giles' Cathedral and called to be a Minister at Marchmont St Giles' in 2002. She helped build the Church Centre and to open the Butterflies Café, a base of mission and pastoral care for everyone.
ExperienceKaren is Vice Convener of the Faith Nurture Forum, having previously been Convener of Safeguarding. She has also served on the Board of Ministry and has been Convener of the Candidate Supervision Committee. Her experience also includes developing the Ministerial Review as a resource for the Church and serving on both the Edinburgh Finance Committee and the Deployment of Resources Committee. Karen has also co-written many of the Safeguarding papers as well as "A Theology of Marriage Report to General Assembly 2009". She was Moderator of Edinburgh Presbytery in 2014/15.
Mrs Barbara Finlayson
Barbara is an Elder and Safeguarding Coordinator at The New Town Church in Edinburgh. She is also an Equalising Elder at Presbytery.
Barbara is a retired solicitor. She has served on PMPIG since its inception. Barbara was a member of the Faith Nurture Forum throughout its existence and is a past member and Vice Convener of the Legal Questions Committee. Currently, she serves as a Trustee of the Housing and Loan Fund and as a member of the Registration of Ministries Committee. Separately, she chairs a small annuity and grant-awarding charity based in Edinburgh.