
Guild Constitution
The Guild's constitution outlines the philosophy behind the Guild, the way the movement is organised, and how it is run. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Guild Office.
Help...I'm leading worship!
Help... I'm Leading Worship!, This resource can still provide help and inspiration for group or personal devotions.
Meetings without a speaker
No speaker no problem is a resource that provides ideas for Guild meetings that can be run by Guild members themselves. Each meeting provides everything you need including hymns, bible readings and an activity. Additional resources are available in our 2024-25 resource
For more information on upcoming Guild events, please visit the Guild's events page or contact the Guild Office at
List of speakers
Looking for some ideas of organisations to invite to your Guild meeting? The Speaker Resource has lots of super suggestions. For any more advice, please contact the Guild Office.
Dedication service
At the beginning of each new session, lots of Guilds like to hold a service of re-dedication. Ideas and suggestions for services are available below:
- Guild dedication service
- Service based on the Guild motto
- Service based on the Guild aim
- The gifts we bring (based on New Wine)
Theme and Discussion Topic Guide
The annual Theme & Discussion Topic Guide is a collection of handy notes and guidelines for those co-ordinating their Guild's programme. In September we will begin our theme Sure Foundations. This guide contains all the information you need to lead worship and help plan your Guild syllabus. Please circulate it widely amongst your members.
Guild logo
If you need the Guild logo in any other format other than jpeg, please contact the Guild Office.
Initiative Fund
Does your Guild or Church have a great idea for a community initiative or project? You might consider applying for the Guild's Initiative Fund.
Monthly worship
In monthly worship you will find hymns, prayers and reflections that will help you when leading your Guild meeting.
Book reviews
As her challenge for 2023-24, National Convener, Rae Lind encouraged people to read a Christian book and submitted a short review. We hope you enjoy reading them.
The Guild produces a newsletter to update members on what is happening across Scotland. The latest edition can be found here.
History timeline
A shortened history of the Guild and information about previous leaders and staff can be found here.