Prayers for Ukraine

The Church of Scotland has joined other denominations in calling for peace following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the conflict continues, many are looking for ways to offer support, be it through humanitarian aid or prayer and acts of worship.
Below is a prayer for individuals and ministers to use to encourage a ceasefire and peace in the region. We will be updating this page with further resources shortly.
We also have a list of suggested songs from the Church of Scotland hymn book CH4 which you may use as part of your response in worship to the situation in Ukraine.
Ecumenical Prayer for Peace
The Scottish Church Leaders Forum produced this prayer in response to the invasion. They stand in solidarity with all those who face the perils of war and the fear that ensues when the bonds of peace are broken.
Living God,
Creator and giver of life to all people:
We ask that you would hear our prayer for peace amongst the nations
And for ending of conflict in Ukraine.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Living God,
Who shall judge between the nations:
We ask that that you would lead the nations in the paths of peace
And that the dividing wall of hostility would be broken down.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Living God,
Who has inspired faith across the ages:
Grant peace in the midst of war
And bring harmony to the commonwealth of nations.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Living God,
Who gave his only Son that we might have life:
We ask that you would pour out your Holy Spirit
And inspire in us hope that peace will be renewed.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.