Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is tasked with identifying members, elders, deacons, and ministers with particular skills and experience for serving on General Assembly Standing Committees.
The Nomination Committee recommends names to the General Assembly. The Assembly has the power to accept or reject these nominations. The Committee's task is to identify people whose skills and experience will be of particular use to a given area of work. It also seeks to maintain age balance and a fair geographical representation.
Information for potential members
The Nomination Committee considers membership to the following Committees:
- Assembly Business Committee
- Audit Committee
- Chaplains To His Majesty's Forces Committee
- Committee To Nominate The Moderator
- Ecumenical Relations Committee
- Ethical Oversight Committee
- Faith Action Programme Leadership Team and Programme Groups
- Iona Community Board
- Legal Questions Committee
- Life And Work Advisory Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Presbytery Review Committee
- Registration Of Ministries Committee
- Safeguarding Committee
- Social Care Council/CrossReach Board
- Theological Forum
Appointment of Assembly Trustees and membership of Assembly Trustee sub-groups/committees
The Assembly Trustees hold responsibility for a separate process for the appointment of Assembly Trustees. Assembly Trustees shall consult with the Nomination Committee as to any comments which the Committee wish to make on recommendations for appointment. Any appointment shall be made by the Assembly Trustees, subject to approval by the General Assembly.
Please also note that the Assembly Trustees are responsible for appointing members to its sub-groups/committees. Nomination Committee representatives will be invited sit on the selection panel for the following Assembly Trustee sub-committee/groups:
- The Seeds for Growth Committee. If you require further information, please contact either Catherine Skinner or David Williams via email,
- The Church of Scotland's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Group. If you require further information, please see the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Group section on the Church of Scotland website or contact the group via email,
The nomination form for membership of Standing Committees should also be used by those who wish to be considered for membership of the Seeds for Growth Committee and the EDI Group.
Any queries on the nomination process should be emailed to
Nomination Process to Legal Bodies
The Legal Questions Committee (LQC) will draw up a list of people whom it considers suitably qualified to serve on each of the bodies involved. If any forms are submitted through the wider nomination process, these will be passed directly to the Convener of LQC for consideration as to suitability.
For the process of nominating to legal bodies, please contact the Office of the General Assembly at the Church offices in Edinburgh. The bodies concerned are the following:
- Appeals Committee of the Commission of Assembly
- Discipline Tribunal
- Judicial Commission
- Judicial Panel
- Ministries Appeal Panel
- Mission Plan Review Group
- Personnel Appeal Group
- Safeguarding Appeal Group
The Nomination Committee will receive a list of names at its January meeting as agreed by representatives of the Nomination Committee, the LQC , the Principal Clerk, and the Solicitor of the Church. The Committee will then approve the list, subject to discussion, confident that it came to the Committee with the degree of independent scrutiny required. For the avoidance of doubt, the Nomination Committee will not receive any names other than those actually being put forward for nomination. The names will then be passed to the General Assembly in the normal fashion for appointment.
Nominations to the Legal Questions Committee continue to be handled through the regular process of nomination for all other bodies in the Church.
Our membership
The Nomination Committee has a Convener, Andrew Gardner; a Vice-Convener, Bryan Kerr; and 18 members appointed by the General Assembly.
Contact for more information
If you require any further information about the Nomination Committee, please email
The Nomination Committee usually meets twice a year, September and January. Recommendations are reported directly to the General Assembly. Sub-group's will be formed and tasked with specific pieces of work on behalf of the Committee. Members of the Committee may occasionally be called upon to sit on interview panels.