Tuesday 24 February
By Graham Fender-Allison, Resourcing Worship Team Leader, Mission and Discipleship
Today we are invited to pray for Christian Aid partners who work to challenge structures that keep people poor.
In doing so, it may be helpful to reflect on a pattern which often appears in the Gospels.
First, Jesus meets someone and intervenes to improve their lives - for example a physical healing which allows them to be part of society - and as a result they become less vulnerable. Second, there is an act of rejoicing from the individual or from others watching. Third, there is some kind of anger or outrage from someone; often those who benefit from others having less power or wealth.
Jesus has a variety of responses to this anger up his sleeve. Sometimes he uses reason or theology; other times he appeals to people's compassion; sometimes he shows a new angle in a parable. Sometimes he angrily tells people exactly what he thinks of them.
In many of these stories Jesus seems to gain the upper hand; he has the last word, silences his detractors and gains favour with the crowd. But we know, ultimately, what this will mean for him; the confrontation this will lead to in Jerusalem. His actions have challenged structures that keep people poor. Jesus has made dangerous and powerful enemies.
Actions that offer charity may gain the approval of many. But actions that demand justice invite resistance, mockery, even violence, from those who benefit in keeping others poor.
Pray for Christian Aid partners who challenge structures that keep people poor. For the resources and strength they need to continue amidst resistance and for their continued safety.
Christian Aid
Daily Reflection
In parts of Ethiopia, women don’t traditionally have the right to inherit any of their husband’s or parents’ assets.
Pray for our partners who challenge the structures that keep people poor.