Employees and volunteers of the Church must follow verbal and written advice provided by the Church's Safeguarding Service in cases where harm is witnessed, suspected or reported
Every congregation must appoint a Safeguarding Panel. This can comprise of the Minister, the Safeguarding Coordinator plus one or more other people with a suitable understanding of or professional background in safeguarding. Some congregations may choose not to have the Minister on the Safeguarding Panel as this could present a conflict of interests if pastoral support is also required for the victim and/or the perpetrator.
Kirk Sessions will ensure that all paid staff and volunteers working with children and adults at risk know what the Church's Safeguarding Policy is and receive appropriate safeguarding training.
An appropriate level of safeguarding training will be provided for Presbytery Safeguarding Trainers, Safeguarding Coordinators, Kirk Sessions, Presbytery and Parish Workers and paid staff and volunteers in congregations and all staff in CrossReach services.