Having a Facebook page that advertises the work being done by your congregation is a good initiative. The page could provide details such as: what the youth group does, when it meets and who it is for.
The following advice is offered, not to discourage the use of social media, but to ensure that children are kept safe.
Facebook privacy controls should be set up so that only children and their families have access to any videos and photographs. Facebook privacy controls enable information to be shared with a defined group: friends, friends of friends or everyone.
Has informed consent been provided by parents/carers? e.g., do all parents know that images/videos appear on the page and are they content with this? Most are likely to be, but not all. Those who are not must be able to have their children opt out of appearing on the page. Refer to the Photography and Video Guidelines.
Explore setting up a Facebook Group rather than a Facebook Page, which would enable more control over who sees and can download information and images.
Reassess what the purpose of the Facebook page/group is. It is useful to consider the following when setting up a web page or a Facebook page/group: What personal or group information do you want to share and with whom and why? Is it everyone, just the children, just the Church or just the children and their families or friends?
As a general rule, do not allow children to give out personal information such as school, home address, phone number, photos, etc. in chat rooms, on message boards and especially not to strangers.