Responding to concerns
Each mission trip needs to have a designated safeguarding contact who is the point of contact between the mission team and the home base. There also needs to be a contact point at the home base for emergencies.
Whilst safeguarding concerns are usually reported directly to the statutory safeguarding authorities here in the UK, this may not always be a viable or safe option when on a mission trip. If the concern relates to someone in the local community, good practice would be for the mission team's safeguarding contact to discuss this with the local responsible person or agency (unless they are implicated or the report will create a greater risk to the child or vulnerable adult). Depending on what local services are available it may be possible to involve local welfare services or police.
If there are concerns about local leaders or agencies then the safeguarding contact should discuss this with the home base (their own line manager and the safeguarding service) with a view to escalating the concerns to the appropriate person. This may include initiating whistleblowing procedures.
If allegations or concerns are made about a team member, these need to be immediately reported to the home base. Dependant on the seriousness of the concerns and other factors to do with context and location, the team member may be relocated for the duration of the trip or, in some instances, immediately repatriated. Consideration will need to be given about how best to follow up the concerns after this.