Domestic abuse: A charter for the Church
This Church:
- Holds that domestic abuse in all its forms is unacceptable and irreconcilable with the Christian faith and a Christian way of living
- Accepts that domestic abuse is a serious problem which occurs in church families and intimate relationships as well as in wider society
- Undertakes to listen to, support and care for those affected by domestic abuse
- Will always place the safety of those affected by domestic abuse as the highest priority
- Recognises the importance of naming and resisting domestic abuse, and supports the right of survivors to find language, worship and action which affirms their equality, wellbeing and struggle for justice
- Will work with domestic abuse support agencies, will learn from them and support them in appropriate ways, and will publicise their work
- Believes in a God of love, justice, mercy and forgiveness
- Will play its part in teaching that domestic abuse is a sin and will seek to model God's true community of women, men and children in church and society, in its life, worship and leadership
- Will seek to appoint advisors to encourage the use of good practice guidelines and to keep the Church informed about the implementation and development of these guidelines.