Trusteeships, committee memberships and other volunteer positions within the Church
Members of the Church of Scotland can volunteer or be nominated for committees and other roles. The groups, trusts, and committees that are currently seeking new members are listed below.
Standing Committees
The Nomination Committee is tasked with identifying members, elders, deacons, and ministers with particular skills and experience for serving on General Assembly Standing Committees. Please see the Nomination Committee webpage for further details.
Appointment of Assembly Trustees and membership of Assembly Trustee sub-groups/committees
The Assembly Trustees hold responsibility for a separate process for the appointment of Assembly Trustees. Any appointment shall be made by the Assembly Trustees, subject to approval by the General Assembly.
Please also note that the Assembly Trustees are responsible for appointing members to its sub-groups/committees. Please refer to the Nomination Committee page for further details.
Trustees are appointed to the following bodies as required by the General Assembly on the nomination of the Trust:
- Church Hymnary Trust
- Church of Scotland Investors Trust
- The Church of Scotland Trust
- General Trustees
- Housing and Loan Fund
- Pension Trustees