Volunteer your time and talents to the Church of Scotland within your local community, on a national level, or on a global scale through World Mission.
Your local congregation
Local congregations have an abundance of opportunities for those of all ages and abilities to volunteer and get involved.
You could volunteer to pour coffees after your Church's Sunday service, or play games with the local Boys' Brigade, or work on your Church's website.
Quite a few congregations encourage local teenagers to work the sound system during Sunday worship. This provides young people with work experience and the opportunity to support their church.
Most churches have pastoral teams who provide emotional and practical support to members of the congregations. Pastoral teams are generally comprised of volunteers from a congregation who wish to nurture their community through visiting members in their homes, hospital beds, or wherever they need support.
Contact your local minister to find out what opportunities are available to you.
CrossReach is the Social Care Council of the Church, and there are several ways you can help the Council to provide essential social care services.
Every day across Scotland, around 500 people give CrossReach their time and skills to bring positive change to individuals, families and whole communities. To become a social care volunteer visit the CrossReach website or email supporters@crossreach.org.uk
World Mission
Make a difference globally by getting involved with the World Mission Council. You can run campaigns, hold a World Mission themed Sunday service, or learn about twinning your congregation with another church around the world.
Explore World Mission's campaigns, twinning opportunities, Sunday Service ideas, and more.