The Guild's Initiative Fund
Grants of up to £1000 are available to Guilds looking to do innovative projects in their church or community. We want to encourage people to think of new ways of "being the Guild" and of serving the church and the wider community in ways that allow the Guild to creatively meet its three principles of worship, prayer and action.
Award amounts
There is no firm guidance on the amounts of money available; however, a typical grant will be a few hundred pounds.
The grant is open to any Church of Scotland Guild.
How to apply
An application form is available by contacting the Guild office: 0131 240 2217 or emailing
Further information
More information about the Fund is available on the Guild Initiative Fund page.
Church Hymnary Trust
The Trust was originally constituted in 1910 to provide a method of distribution of royalties from the publication of the Church hymnary. Grants are available to congregations and other Church of Scotland bodies for various purposes intended to promote hymnody in Scotland.
The charitable purposes of the trust in detail are:- "The advancement of the Christian Faith through the promotion and development of hymnody in Scotland with particular reference to the Church of Scotland by assisting in the development, promotion, provision and understanding of hymns, psalms and paraphrases suitable for use in public worship and in the distribution and making available of the same in books, discs, electronically and in other media for use by the Church of Scotland to enable the church and in particular the Church of Scotland to worship in ways which are relevant to individual congregations or groups of congregations."
Award Amounts
Applicants may apply for varying funding amounts. The amount of the award is at the discretion of the trustees and may be the full amount applied for, or a proportion.
Applications can only be accepted for projects which fall within the Trust's charitable purposes, and must be on behalf of a body with charitable status.
Please complete the application form.
Further information
Contact - Anne Steele, Clerk, Church of Scotland Law Department, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN –
Privacy Notice – or contact Clerk
Scottish Charity No. SC002769