A prayer for radical change: Sally Foster-Fulton
Published on 18 November 2019
As the Church of Scotland continues its challenging work on the three-year radical action plan which was approved by this year's General Assembly, we call on those from across the Church to join together in prayer.
This week's prayer is written by Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, Head of Christian Aid Scotland and former convener of the Kirk's Church and Society Council.

Sticking with us
walking alongside us
taking the time to teach us well,
leaving space to let the listening settle in –
God with us.
Living the questions
respecting the plurality of perspectives,
wrestling with wonder and wisdom
and what the world needs from our small corner,
leaving space to let the listening settle in –
God with us.
God with us,
God in us,
God through us –
called to be Christ's body
in a fragile, yet fiercely beautiful shared world.
As we consider how to govern ourselves
and share leadership with each other,
inspire us with Your ways –
God with us,
God in us,
God through us.
Each week, from late September until late November, new prayers written by people from across the Church of Scotland and our partners will be shared. Please feel free to change and adapt these prayers to suit your own context. There are more prayer resources available on the Prayer section of our website.