Hebrides revival brings 400 people to Stornoway
Published on 6 June 2019
The congregation of Martin's Memorial in Stornoway are gearing up to host the Hebrides Revival Conference this weekend. The event, which will mark the 70th anniversary of the Hebrides Revival movement, has already sold out and organisers are preparing for 400 people to attend.

The Rev Tommy MacNeil, minister for Martin's Memorial, said:
"We've organised the conference to honour and give thanks to God for the sovereign work He began in 1949. The revival heralded a move of God in and through His church that transformed individuals, impacted our communities and continues to influence our nation.
"We're hosting it this year with the intention of inspiring fresh faith and hope for what He can do today. Hence the conference theme 'Will you not revive us again?'" (Psalm 85v6)
"We have people coming from all over the UK and Ireland, and some internationals coming from various countries," Tommy added.
"Jesus prayed that we as the church would be one as He and the Father are one. We are so thankful that in running with this conference we can play our little part in answering this prayer. God is always glorified with such unity and His people are always blessed. Indeed, as the psalmist reminds up, God promises to pour out His blessing on such a gathering of His people." (Psalm 133v1-3)
No speaker "more prophetic"
Speakers at the conference will be the Rev Dr RT Kendall, formerly of Westminster Chapel, London, and the Rev Kenny Borthwick, formerly of Wester Hailes Church of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Both men say they are excited to be part of the event and have a growing sense of expectancy for what God will do over the days of the conference.
Kenny said: "Genuine Revival always overflows in salvation and mission, the fruit of which lasts in some shape or form, even spreading all over the world. It will be wonderful to be in the midst of the working of God's Spirit. I'm very humbled to be part of this conference, and I know of no Bible teacher today that is more prophetic, in the truest sense of that word, than R.T. Kendall."

Congregation: "Pray for us"
The congregation in Martin's Memorial have been working behind the scenes for months to prepare for this coming weekend.
As the time for the conference draws near they are hosting prayer meetings in the church on Monday to Thursday evenings from 6-7pm.
The congregation has also asked that all people of faith pray for them.
Tommy said: "There are many who have been in touch to say they can't be with us at the conference in person, but their hearts will be here as they remember us in prayer. There are also others who have been in touch this week about coming only to learn we are sold out. They have assured us they will also be praying for the weekend.
"For all who will gather their hope is that come the end of their time together, they'll be left reflecting on what God has done and will be saying to one another: (It is..) 'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.'" (Zechariah 4v6)
The conference will be recorded and available to purchase as audio file downloads (Mp3) from Wednesday June 11.
Find out more about the Hebrides Revival Conference.