Monday 23 February
By Carol Finlay, Twinning And Local Development Secretary, World Mission
Are you sitting comfortably and enjoying a nice cup of tea, or coffee or perhaps a glass of wine as you contemplate today's Lent reflections? Perhaps you have a biscuit to dunk, or a piece of fruit or a few nuts to nibble. And are any of these items fairly traded? Do you even know? Is it something you think about when you do your shopping? Each item which has the Fairtrade mark on it in your shopping basket is important in the life of the person who has planted, cultivated and harvested it.
Carol Finlay
This was brought home to me as I talked with a Malawian friend when he visited Scotland. His journey was as part of a church visit and we shared a stage at a conference. He thanked me for my words that day as I encouraged people to buy Fairtrade products and to become Fairtrade Churches. He said "the Fairtrade Movement here in the UK has enabled me as a smallholder coffee farmer to ensure a secure price for my crop. I now do not have to worry about fluctuations in the market and am assured of a stable income for my family. Fairtrade means my children can go to school, my wife can get our water from the village well instead of walking miles to the river, and I can make plans for the future of my farm."
In this Fairtrade fortnight, I challenge you to find and use at least one fairly traded product each day and then to ensure some of them are in your basket each time you shop.
Christian Aid
Daily Reflection
It’s Fairtrade Fortnight! Fairly traded products offer better prices to the hard-working producers, and ensure decent working conditions and fair terms of trade.
Give 20p for each fairtrade product you can name.