Record significant findings

It is important to keep a written record of risk assessments and the decisions made about how to control identified risks.
The Church of Scotland requires all congregations to be prepared to provide evidence that suitable and sufficient risk assessments have been carried out and regulatory and legal compliance can be demonstrated across the organisation. Therefore, it is best practice to keep a written or electronic record of any risk assessments carried out.
What should be included in the risk assessment document?
There is no prescribed format for a risk assessment document. However, it is necessary to record significant hazards identified, how people might be harmed by them and what has been put in place to control the risks. The risk assessment record should be simple and focus on identifying and controlling hazards.
It is possible to refer to and list any policies, procedures or relevant information that demonstrate risk control within your risk assessment. For high-risk activities such as working at height or using tools or machinery you may also attach the Safe System of Work (SSOW), which is a prescriptive step-by-step method of ensuring that the task is carried out safely. See templates section for an example of a safe system of work.