About the Fund
The Small Grants Fund provides grants for short-term project funding of between 3 and 12 months.
Often a small amount of money at the right time can make a huge difference. For this reason, the Small Grants Fund is focused on short-term (less than 12 month) projects rather than those which are larger and of longer scale. The Fund has been approved by the Assembly Trustees to contribute to early-stage work, to be a response to more immediate needs and to help with innovation.
In the autumn of 2022, we added the opportunity to apply for funding to help support our communities through the winter cost-of-living crisis with a "Winter Support" criteria for funding.
Eligibility criteria
Individual Church of Scotland churches and presbyteries and groups of churches or presbyteries can apply. Churches and presbyteries are also able to work with ecumenical partners, though the application will need to come from the Church of Scotland church or presbytery.
If you are applying for a grant under the Winter Support criteria, then only churches and groups of churches can apply and any application will need the support of the Presbytery.
Criteria for funded projects
Projects will bring about change in at least one of the following areas:
- Developing mission through new worshipping communities (including online worship)
- Engaging and attracting those aged 40 and under including children, young people and families
- Addressing pressing issues in the church
- Increasing experimentation with innovation in church practices.
- Winter Support: supporting people in the local area through the winter at this time of increased need. It is very important that you consult the highlighted section "Answering Q12 When Applying Under Winter Support Criteria" in the Guidance notes on applying to the Fund.
What can and cannot be funded?
- Awards are to be used with a revenue project focus. If applying under the Winter Support criteria then the project has to deliver activity during the colder months (Oct to March inclusive).
- Awards cannot be used for:
- Contribution to capital building costs
- Covering retrospective costs (unless applying under the Winter Support criteria where applications can be made to cover costs starting in January 2023)
- Making up shortfall in income
- Paying for heating costs of church buildings in terms of ‘normal' running costs with no additional activities.
Size of Grants
Grants will be up to £1,000 (max) for criteria other than "Winter Support", which is £5,000 (max). The total grant budget is £100,000 with an additional £10,000 contribution from Scottish Government towards the Winter Support criteria (which has to be used before end March 2023).
When can I apply?
The Fund has two "calls" for applications
- Call 1: February–June
- Call 2: September–November.
For further details on making an application please go to the How to Apply page.
If your question is not answered in the guidance below, please contact the Small Grants Fund on email SGF@churchofscotland.org.uk