Forces Chaplains Committee
Our remit
The Church of Scotland Committee on Chaplains to Her Majesty's Forces, working through the convener, keeps abreast of Ministry of Defence policy and makes a contribution to the formulation of this as it concerns the spiritual well-being of the women and men of the Armed Forces of the Crown. The committee also takes an interest in the recruiting of chaplains and in their welfare.
The committee is an associate member of the Faith Nurture Forum.
Our work
The convener regularly visit formations and units. Each year, at the General Assembly, there is a morning during which service chaplaincy matters may be discussed following the convener's report to the Assembly.
Our membership
Under its convener, the committee comprises a number of ministers, often with experience in service chaplaincy, and a number of lay members. Members normally serve for three years and may be invited to serve for one further such term, thus ensuring that there is a steady injection of fresh ideas and experience.
Contact for more information
For more information about our work and to get involved with the HM Forces chaplains you can contact Faith Action: