'Andy Murray' stars in Perthshire Nativity scene
Published on 17 December 2019
A felt antler wearing alpaca named after tennis player Andy Murray was one of the stars of a quirky nativity scene at a Perthshire church.
The adorable animal was joined by two pygmy goats wearing elf-hats, two black sheep, two donkeys and a Shetland pony in a sparkly halter.
Members of Kinnaird Parish Church dressed up in colourful costumes to bring the Christmas story to life – a task arguably magnified in realism thanks to their four legged friends.

Minister, Rev Dr Marjory MacLean, said the event, which featured carol singing, refreshments and Christmas colouring in for children, was great fun.
"The congregation organised very cute nativity scenes to bring the Christmas story to life in an engaging way," she added.

"Elder Brenda Laing, who is also the owner of Larkin the Shetland pony, masterminded the whole thing and started working on it back at harvest-time when she kept back some bales of straw just for this purpose.
"Lots of people came to visit us in the cold and dark, including lots of children who found it amazing and magical.
"We had a complete adult cast in a full-scale tableau on our grassy car park/ recreation field but the real stars of the show were the animals which looked incredibly cute."
The nativity scene was held last Saturday.