Talking Ministry: "The most fulfilling and creative times in my life"
Published on 15 December 2021
An Ordained Local Minister has described her roles within the Church of Scotland as "the most fulfilling and creative times in my life".

Rev Anne Stott was speaking as part of the Talking Ministry series about her work which includes developing a pioneer network church in Perth called Intogether, for families who have children with additional support needs.
She said: "As a former teacher, I was increasingly aware of the struggle for parents and children who often are isolated in society and experience misunderstanding when they try to come into social situations, including church.
"Statistics show that 90% are not involved in church.
"At InTogether, we are keen to let them know that they are not alone, that God loves them, and we hope to raise awareness and understanding of additional support needs and start conversations about how to offer a more inclusive worship experience."
Building community
Mrs Stott is also employed as a ministry development staff member within the Presbytery of Perth, which sees her providing spiritual care for a new housing area called Bertha Park.
She explains here she has a remit "to listen to the residents and support them to build community, and to establish relationships with a view to exploring new ways of doing church that fit this century's lifestyles".
Brought up in the Presbyterian Church of Ireland in Annalong, Country Down, Mrs Stott is married to a parish minister, Kenny, and has been a committed Christian since she was nine years old.
Speaking about the highlights of her minister, she said "I love working with people, being involved in both the special and difficult moments of life, and I also love to see folk come together to work for a shared aim.
"Usually others have much better ideas than I would ever have, but perhaps I can facilitate or join the dots so their idea can happen!"
Fulfilling and creative
For advice for someone who is thinking of following a calling into ministry, Mrs Stott says: "I am working in full-time ministry after all, when my two posts are combined, and am enjoying one of the most fulfilling and creative times in my life!"
Each month throughout 2021, the Talking Ministry series will share a personal story from those serving in Christian ministry, as well as discernment resources filled with questions, prayers and reflections to help encourage your own reflection on how God might be calling you.
You can read Rev Anne Stott's full interview and access the resources for December on our Talking Ministry page.