Journey through Lent with the Church of Scotland
Published on 2 March 2022
To mark this year's season of Lent, which takes place between Wednesday 2 March until Thursday 14 April, congregations, church groups and our partner organisations are offering a selection of valuable resources to help you make the most of this period of reflection.

Lent is the 40-day period before Easter, beginning with Ash Wednesday. During this time, Christians may fast or give up some of their usual routine to give time to personal examination and to reflect on their relationship with God.
"With the painful events of both the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine fresh in our minds, this year it feels more important than ever to take this time to reflect on our relationship with God," Lord Wallace, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said.
"This Lent, I call on all of us as Christians to remember the sacrifices our Lord made in His journey towards the cross as we contemplate how our own actions can better reflect His selfless teachings."
Many Church of Scotland congregations are organising their own individual Lent events during this time, including Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Parish Church in Glasgow.
Rev Richard Buckley, the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Parish Church, is working together with a few of his fellow ministers across the Church of Scotland to present a series of ‘Thought for the Day' style videos throughout the season.
"I and a number of colleagues have put together an Easter/Lent series entitled ‘Stepping stones from Creation to the cross' that we will be recording as videos about 7 minutes in length.
"Each address will be orientated around an explanation of the significance of Jesus' crucifixion and His resurrection."
You can watch each day's address on the Stepping Stones YouTube channel.
‘Walk humbly with our God'
As well as individual church activities, our national partner organisations have produced a range of resources for everyone to use during Lent.
This week, Christian Aid is launching a special podcast series, ‘Walking Humbly', presented by Wendy Lloyd, Christian Aid's faith communications coordinator.
"We often draw on the words of Micah 6:8 to motivate ourselves to do justice and love kindness, but pay less attention to the last part of the verse to ‘walk humbly with our God'," Wendy said.
"I hope the podcasts provide people with the space they need to reflect and be refreshed during each week of Lent – perhaps while going on a walk in the beauty of creation."
Guest contributors will take part from the Church of Scotland, the Quakers in Britain, Eco-Congregation Scotland, Operation Noah and the Young Christian Climate Network.
Christian Aid's Rev Sally Foster-Fulton will talk about the organisation's climate-related humanitarian work in South Sudan; Kirk ministers Rev Grant Barclay and Rev Fiona Smith will consider what it means to be a pilgrim; and Kirk minister Rev Dr Richard Frazer will lead the reflections on Maundy Thursday.
The first episode is released on Ash Wednesday (2 March) with another nine episodes released in the run up to Easter. To listen to the ‘Walking Humbly' podcast, please use your usual podcast platform or visit the Christian Aid website.
In keeping with the ‘Walking Humbly' podcast series, our Weekly Worship materials will also take on this theme and have been written in partnership with the same guest contributors, featuring prayers, sermon ideas, Bible reflections, musical suggestions, and much more.
Sanctuary First, a Church of Scotland online worshipping community, is holding a guided ‘Lent Retreat' via Zoom on Saturday 5 March at 10:30am aimed at re-centring, gathering and drawing close to God. The hosts will lead you to reflect with God on the themes ‘Restless Souls' and ‘Unnoticed Joy'. Sign up to take part.
Eco Congregation Scotland is publishing five video reflections presented by their environmental chaplain, Rev David Coleman, to complement or take the place of a sermon on Lent readings, or as a discussion starter for study groups. Written versions of the reflections are also available.
You can also find a special prayer for each day of Lent and information about Lent events on the Ignatian Spirituality Centre website.
What are your congregation or church group planning to do to mark this year's season of Lent? Please tag us on Facebook or Twitter or email us at — we always love to hear what you're up to.