All welcome to attend "Celebrating Calling" open day in Hamilton
Published on 19 July 2023
The Church's Towards Ministry Team is looking forward to hosting an open-day event next month - the first since before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking place at St John's Parish Church in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire on Saturday the 26th of August, this is an opportunity for people considering a ministry role within the Church.
It doesn't matter if that sensing is very strong or not much more than the slightest of inner nudges, the Towards Ministry Team would love to meet you.

The name of the event is "Celebrating Calling" and will feature men and women who are already in ministry, in one of its various forms.
What better than to hear about their experiences and to have the opportunity to pick their brains?
Some of them are brand new to ministry and others have considerable experience so whether you're 18 or looking ahead to retirement, there are options for you.
Alongside them will be Rev Eleanor McMahon, Recruitment Manager, and Very Rev Dr Martin Fair, Pathways to Ministry Manager.
Together with other members of the team, there will be someone who can listen to you and respond to your questions and concerns – someone who will hear your excitement and your fears and doubts.
The day will start with coffee from 10.30 am and, on either side of a light buffet lunch, will feature various seminars each addressing an aspect of the process of considering one or other of the church's ministries – enquiring, exploring, evaluating and, ultimately, entering.
If you're already well informed or presently know nothing, the day will be a helpful stage in your particular journey and, with worship to close, will offer a perfect opportunity to listen for God's leading in your life.
This is a ‘zero commitment' day.
It might be that it will prove important for you and that you'll move into our formal process or if you're already in it, that you'll leave feeling affirmed.
But if you leave thinking ‘it's not for me' that will be perfectly fine; no pressure will be put on you.
Our aim is simply to help you clarify what is best for you.
Here's a ‘well there's nothing to lose' kind of day!
You can let us know you're coming by emailing
We'd love to meet you.
Let's make it a date.